Showing 1 to 20 of 22 Apps

Quick view product & one-click buy. Optimize Conversion Rate

Faster browsing
Quick product preview
One-click buy
Instant add to cart
Popup cart update

Order Limits For Order Page, Product Page & Cart Page

Customizable styling
Customer tag limits
Product quantity limits
Collection quantity limits
Order value limits
  • $8.99 / Month
  • 21 Days Free Trial
25 Reviews

See everything

Email notifications
Real-time tracking
Fuss-free installation
  • $4.49-$7.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 5 Days Free Trial
5 Reviews

Apply and stack your discount codes in cart drawer and popup!

Discount popup
Cart drawer
Apply discounts
Stack codes
Sum discounts
  • $9.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
135 Reviews

Surcharges and order fees to increase your sales and AOV

Conditional visibility
Unlimited fees
Attach to products
Percentage-based fees
Fixed-amount fees
Fee input types
  • $5.99-$11.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
3 Reviews

Conversion plus vitals discounted upsell reconvert

Combined discount pop-ups
Reward offers
Motivational content
  • $9.99-$19.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
21 Reviews

Automatic discounts for selected customers to increase AOV

Volume discounts
Wholesale pricing
Automatic discounts
Date range discounts
Visible in cart
Visible in checkout
  • $9 / Month
  • Free Plan Available

Increase Average Order Value The Right Way

Reward with discounts
Add upsells easily
Cross-sells effortlessly
Free shipping calculator
Special cart offers
Targeted product suggestions

Increase sales: Remember customers' carts across their devices

Recover abandoned carts
Cross-device sync
Automatic cart recovery

Improves the user experience when purchasing a product.

Device compatibility
Add to cart
Product options pop-up
No page reloads
Progress animation config
  • $19.99-$49.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
50 Reviews

Upsell individual products à la carte, bundles & subscriptions

No coding required
Upsell product pages
Cart item replacement
Automated recommendations
Manual curation
Thank-you page offers

Enhance your cart with flexible, automated fee management.

Product extra fees
Cart fees
Conditional fee applicability
Webhook fee addition
Automatic cart update

Q: Request a quote and hide price

Email notifications
Quote management
Customizable button
Hide prices
Quote request
Price suggestion
  • $10.99 / Month
  • 21 Days Free Trial

Create a different discount per box for each product.

Wholesale discounts
Per-product management
Custom box sizes
End-of-cart discounts
Simplified bulk buying
  • $50-$200 / Month
  • Free Plan Available


Direct add-to-cart
In-site livestreaming
Ambassador livestreaming
Separate broadcaster dashboard
Interactive chat
Polls during live

Our app allows you to preview the goods in the cart

Customization options
Quick item view
Hover pop-up
Seamless monitoring
Quick install

Get more conversions and sales

Customizable design
Quick access
Custom toolbar
Persistent navigation
  • $5 / Month
  • 3 Days Free Trial
3 Reviews

Track Shopping Cart and Visitor Activity in real time

Real-time updates
Live cart tracking
Visitor navigation insight
  • $4.99-$9.99 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • 14 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Social shopping. Customers share their cart and ask for advice

Product recommendation
Social interaction
Connect social media
Share wishlist/cart
Vote & recommend
Gain new customers

Site Wide Marketing Assets for Super Payments

Custom messaging
Cash rewards
Site banners