Allow customer try samples before buy!
Product Samples simply provides an extra feature for customers to order product samples in free or lower price directly from your store. This is a simple and creative solution to boost your sales, get a bigger basket and lower returns. In addition, Product samples help you ensure each order for your store is a worthwhile investment for you and your customers. You can determine if an item fits your brand, meets your quality standards and will live up to your customers’ expectations.
Gather & display reviews (product reviews, store reviews,...
Product, Price, and Page AB Testing to increase conversions...
Boost Your Sales With Photo Reviews And Fully Animated Widgets...
Reduce user's pain to search recently viewed products...
Discounts for different customer groups. Quick Order Support...
Add Best Offer + Pay What you Want Buttons to Sell More...
Add quotation request form, hide price for your B2B store
Product customization & configurator with live preview...