All-in-one Pre-Orders app with back-in-stock alerts.
Our app simplifies adding pre-orders to your store, offering all the key features to boost your sales strategy. You can provide flexible payment options like partial payments or pre-order discounts, and allow customers to sign up for stock alerts. With specialized tools for presales and product launches, you'll effortlessly generate hype and increase sales. —Part of the amai App Suite: Enhance your eCommerce.
Pre order Now & Back in Stock with partial payments...
"Boost sales with pre-orders, presales, waitlists, and seamless...
Easy pre-orders, configure & manage preorders for out-of-stock...
Easily create and manage preorders for any of your products...
Easy and real time back-in-stock and restock alerts
Boost pre-sale with Coming Soon, Back in Stock & Notify...
Connect with shoppers and drive sales with chat
Drive sales with back in stock alerts, preorder with discounts...