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Auto Rewards Toolkit logo

Auto Rewards Toolkit

Develop by EGNITION


/ Month
Free plan available

Generate personalized discounts from orders automatically.

Free shipping
Automated rewards
Personalized emails
Loyalty rewards
Order-based discounts
Unique discount rules
Next-order incentives
Email adjustments

About Auto Rewards Toolkit

Launched Jan 09, 2020



Email :

[email protected]


PO Box 21, Caringbah, NSW, 1495, AU

Website Privacy policy
BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,907 Reviews)
$25-$349 / Month
  • Free Plan Available
  • Verified
  • Sponsored

Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


Generate auto-discounts from orders using smart, personalized, and flexible generosity rules.

Provide customers with automated reward based on their orders. Generate discounts as part of your loyalty program or customer service to improve buyers' satisfaction. Define automated rules for order-based rewards once and let them work in the background. A personalized email with discount is sent to a buyer automatically with a unique value. Use app's unique discount options or standard Shopify conditions for discounts. Grow and retain buyers using this automated discount generator.

Provide customers with automated reward based on their orders. Generate discounts as part of your loyalty program or customer service to improve buyers' satisfaction. Define automated rules for order-based rewards once and let them work in the background. A personalized email with discount is sent to a buyer automatically with a unique value. Use app's unique discount options or standard Shopify conditions for discounts. Grow and retain buyers using this automated discount generator. more
  • Auto-generated personalized discounts from orders sent automatically via email.
  • Use unique rules for discounts to calculate %, fixed value or free shipping.
  • Provide discounts: full or partial refunds, next-order incentives, and loyalty.
  • Check and easily adjust an email before it is shared with the customer.
  • Streamline the personalization process through generating unique discounts.

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