Opinamos logo


  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Opinamos.io - opiniones verificadas de marca y productos

    Collect verified reviews
    Automatic review invitations
    Image-supported ratings
    Manage/respond to reviews
    Implement reviews on pages
    Improve organic ranking

    About Opinamos

    Launched Dec 20, 2023


    Built by Just Marketing Group LLC

    Email :

    [email protected]


    13727 SW 152ND ST , #1192, MIAMI, FL, FL, 33177, US

    Website Privacy policy


    Collect verified reviews from your customers.

    Get more sales by inspiring trust in your future customers. With Opinamos, you can collect verified reviews and rankings about your brand and products. Implement reviews on your home page and product pages to increase your conversion rate.

    Get more sales by inspiring trust in your future customers. With Opinamos, you can collect verified reviews and rankings about your brand and products. Implement reviews on your home page and product pages to increase your conversion rate. more
    • Send automatic review invitations via email
    • Receive ratings with images for your brand and products
    • Respond and manage your reviews
    • Improve your organic ranking

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