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OLX Adverts logo

OLX Adverts

Develop by WebShopAssist


/ Month
14 Days Free Trial

Drive sales for your business with ads published on OLX!

Create/edit single ad
Bulk ads creation
Full ad control
Price/title editing
Multiple product ads
Bulk ad management
Activate/deactivate ads
Stock-based deactivation
1 Reviews

About OLX Adverts

Launched Aug 05, 2019


Built by WebShopAssist

Email :

[email protected]


Str. Livezilor, 35, Mogosoaia, IF, 077135, RO

Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ Document
Zotabox Pop Up & Coupon logo
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Easily create OLX ads for your products and manage them with bulk actions

# Create or Edit the ad for one product or variant In this case you have full control over the ad details, you can change price, title, description or the other attributes which depend on the selected category of the ad. # Create ads for multiple products in one category You can select multiple products and create ads for all of them, in one action, in the same OLX category. The app works with OLX Romania, OLX Portugal, OLX Poland and OLX Bulgaria.

# Create or Edit the ad for one product or variant In this case you have full control over the ad details, you can change price, title, description or the other attributes which depend on the selected category of the ad. # Create ads for multiple products in one category You can select multiple products and create ads for all of them, in one action, in the same OLX category. The app works with OLX Romania, OLX Portugal, OLX Poland and OLX Bulgaria. more
  • Create OLX ads for your products
  • Manage ads with bulk actions to activate, deactivate or delete them
  • Activate and deactivate ads based on product availability
  • Deactivate ads when a product goes out of stock
  • Create ads for multiple products in one category


  • Full control over ad details including price, title, description, and other attributes
  • Ability to create ads for multiple products in one category in a single action
  • Support for managing ads with bulk actions such as activating, deactivating, and deleting them
  • Automatic activation and deactivation of ads based on product availability
  • Deactivates ads when a product goes out of stock
  • Supports multiple OLX regions: Romania, Portugal, Poland, and Bulgaria


  • Limited to specific OLX regions (Romania, Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria)
  • May require frequent updates and monitoring to maintain ad relevancy
  • Potential technical issues with mass-uploading or editing multiple ads
  • User interface might be complex for beginners

Top Helpful Reviews

Kdeco.ro - Trandafiri Criogenati Nemuritori, Terarii Plante LED (Florarie Online, Cadouri Naturale)

Aug 09, 2019  on Shopify

Felicitari pentru aplicatie...suntem super multumiti! Acum putem incarca automat toate produsele direct in OLX printr-un singur click! Good job & MULTUMIM !!!

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