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Customer reviews: Lexware Office (lexoffice)

Develop by Eshop Guide

Reviews (339)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally find "Lexware Office (lexoffice)" to be a reliable tool for integrating their accounting needs with their e-commerce platforms like Shopify. The app is praised for simplifying business processes, automating functionalities, and offering outstanding customer support. While some users experienced issues, the majority are satisfied with how their problems were quickly addressed and resolved.

Key Strengths

  • Outstanding customer support, often described as exemplary and fast-responding.
  • Seamless integration with platforms like Shopify, enhancing automation.
  • Simplicity and ease of use in handling accounting tasks.
  • Efficient resolution of issues via personalized video tutorials and detailed explanations.

Common Concerns

  • Recent changes in pricing that could potentially double costs for some users.
  • Occasional unreliability and manual effort required to resolve transfer errors.
  • Limited customization possibilities for invoice layouts and numbering systems.
  • Specific functionalities may lack for more specialized business needs.

Final Thoughts

"Lexware Office (lexoffice)" is well-regarded as a robust accounting tool with integration capabilities that save time and effort for merchants. The exceptional customer support significantly enhances user experience, making it a recommended choice for businesses seeking efficient bookkeeping solutions, despite a few areas that might need improvement.


Dec 13, 2024  on Shopify

Tolle App. Ich brauche jetzt nicht nur diese App, sondern auch das XL Abo in LO. Zusätzlich überschreiben scheinbar die Standard Daten von LO - die Rechnungsdaten dieser APP, d.h. alle Kunden haben jetzt eine Rechnungen mit Layout eines anderen Geschäftszweiges bekommen. Eigene Rechnungsnummern kann man ebenfalls nicht definieren. Es gibt kaum irgendwelche großartigen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Ich ärgere mich, dass ich mir diese App angetan habe.

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