Quickly calculate shipping rates by commune and weight (Chile)
AddressAv. Apoquindo 6550, Las Condes, RM, 7560903, CL
Website Support Portal Privacy policy FAQManage quickly and easily all your shipping rates within Chile by uploading up to 3 of your own rates in bulk by commune, weight and delivery time. Program your own shipping rules against a specific region or commune, ideal for special events like CyberDay or BlackFriday. Connect with Envíame's rates and all its carriers automatically or activate preloaded rates in case you don't upload your own. There are many stores in Chile calculating their shipping rates correctly thanks to this app!
Live shipping rates at checkout, print labels & track...
Automatically create shipping labels and invoices
Shipping rate calculation by product, pincode, cart &...
Shipping rules to set rates by product zipcode postcode...