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Key CRM Insights and Metrics with InstanteStore
Manage metafields manually or in bulk. Imports, exports & more Show more
Create a digital key that unlocks benefits on your store Show more
Display the key features of your products and sell more
One-touch 2FA for robust, password-free authentications. Show more
Sell & download digital product: PDF,Ebook,course,license key Show more
Conversion plus vitals discounted upsell reconvert Show more
Compare products and boost sales with product comparison table
Backup every change you make, restore any item in one click Show more
Unlock maximum conversions with free shipping offers.
Accurate Shipping Rates Made Simple!
Get an Instant Custom Sidebar for you store.
Make Trustpilot widgets a part of your page editor
Highlight key elements from product description.
CLV, Profit Reports, Average Order Value, and Segments
Integrated unique key/URL/number sales for your shop.
A business management in-one-tab experience
Measure key KPIs across your sales & marketing channels
Analytics on customer audiences, cohort LTV & subscriptions Show more