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Content Protection by Webyze logo

Content Protection by Webyze

Develop by Webyze


/ Month
5 Days Free Trial

Protect your images, texts and content from being stolen...

Disable right click
Block text selection
Browser compatibility
Prevent copying
Block key presses
Prevent hot-linking
Drag & drop blocking
7 Reviews

About Content Protection by Webyze

Zotabox Contact Form Builder logo
(843 Reviews)
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Add multiple, embeddable contact forms to your website.


Protect you Shop's Text and Images from easily being stolen. Disable Right click, Text Selection...

Protect your images, descriptions and content from being stolen by competitors or malicious people. Protect your images from right clicks, drag and drop, copy... Protect your texts from selection, drag and drop, copy, right click... Block specific users key presses such as Ctrl+A, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C... Choose exactly what you want to protect and block, you can let the customers select texts but not right click on images, select texts but not copying them... Compatible with all modern browsers.

Protect your images, descriptions and content from being stolen by competitors or malicious people. Protect your images from right clicks, drag and drop, copy... Protect your texts from selection, drag and drop, copy, right click... Block specific users key presses such as Ctrl+A, Ctrl+S, Ctrl+C... Choose exactly what you want to protect and block, you can let the customers select texts but not right click on images, select texts but not copying them... Compatible with all modern browsers. more
  • Protect your images from being hot-linked, copied or saved.
  • Protect your descriptions and content from being reused by malicious merchants.
  • Get higher rankings in search engines by having unique and original content!
  • Block Drag & Drop on images and/or texts.
  • Disable specific key presses: Ctrl+A (select all), Ctrl+C (Copy), Ctrl+V, Ctrl+P


  • Comprehensive content protection: The app protects images, texts, and other content from various forms of copying, including right-click, drag and drop, and key presses
  • Customizable protection options: Users can specify which types of content they want to protect and block actions selectively
  • Compatibility: The app works with all modern browsers, ensuring wide usability
  • Content exclusivity: Helps businesses maintain unique content, potentially improving search engine rankings
  • Special features: Protects against hot-linking, further safeguarding images from unauthorized use


  • User Experience: Overly restrictive settings might frustrate legitimate users who are accustomed to using basic functions like text selection and right-click
  • Effectiveness: No protection mechanism is foolproof; determined users might find ways to bypass the protections
  • Compatibility and Bugs: While generally compatible with modern browsers, there might be occasional issues with specific browser versions or updates
  • SEO Impact: Excessive content protection may sometimes inadvertently interfere with web crawlers, affecting search engine optimization negatively
  • Maintenance: Regular updates might be necessary to keep up with new browser versions and emerging techniques for content theft

Top Helpful Reviews

Neat and Handy

Jun 04, 2020  on Shopify

You can steal the images by using the developer tools. Can that be fixed, please? I like the app but those who want to steal they know what they are doing.


Jul 17, 2018  on Shopify

Great app - very valuable as I've already had people copy me and put my design and pictures on Amazon!! Does exactly what it says. No longer will people be able to copy images or text ! Fast and easy to install. Simple and effective.

Scandishop Online

Feb 06, 2018  on Shopify

This is one app I am very happy to pay for. Have been using since May 2017 and it does provide greater confidence in posting custom images. There are a couple aspects of potential improvement and I have made those suggestions to the developers. it is an essential app and I encourage you to try it out!

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