Geposit Address Validator logo

Geposit Address Validator

Develop by Geposit AB


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7 Days Free Trial

Validate Scandinavian street addresses and postal codes

Address control
Invalid address correction
Updated address data

About Geposit Address Validator

Built by Geposit AB

Email :

[email protected]


Biblioteksgatan 29, Stockholm, 11435, SE

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Address Validation - Save money by reducing failed deliveries and returned packages

Carelessness, bad memory, the fact that people change homes or that many addresses are affected by some type of address change every year - for whatever reason, many customers enter an incorrect address at the checkout when they shop online. Incorrect delivery addresses result in failed deliveries and costly returns, which in turn leads to dissatisfied customers. Validation of addresses means saved costs, reduced climate impact and happier customers. We are constantly improving our services.

Carelessness, bad memory, the fact that people change homes or that many addresses are affected by some type of address change every year - for whatever reason, many customers enter an incorrect address at the checkout when they shop online. Incorrect delivery addresses result in failed deliveries and costly returns, which in turn leads to dissatisfied customers. Validation of addresses means saved costs, reduced climate impact and happier customers. We are constantly improving our services. more
  • Address control of Nordic addresses
  • Help to correct invalid addresses prior to shipping
  • Always the latest address data


  • Reduces incorrect delivery addresses
  • Saves costs on failed deliveries and returns
  • Reduces climate impact by preventing unnecessary shipping
  • Increases customer satisfaction by ensuring timely deliveries
  • Provides up-to-date address data
  • Focuses on Scandinavian addresses, catering to a niche market


  • Limited to Scandinavian addresses, not useful for wider regions
  • Depends on the accuracy of external address databases
  • Potential integration challenges with existing e-commerce platforms
  • Might require regular updates to ensure data accuracy, which could be time-consuming
  • Initial setup might be complex for businesses not familiar with such tools

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