Fydez Mobile App Builder logo

Fydez Mobile App Builder

Develop by Fydez


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Easy to use, feature-rich and mobile native technology

    Push notifications
    Real-time engagement
    Intuitive dashboard
    App customization
    Mobile native
    1 Reviews

    About Fydez Mobile App Builder

    Launched Apr 15, 2024



    Fydez: Easily build, and manage your integrated e-comm app for more sales, loyalty, & engagement!

    Fydez transforms mobile native e-commerce for merchants with an intuitive dashboard for effortless mobile app customization, leveraging cutting-edge native technology for peak performance. Stand out with a seamless, responsive app experience that captivates customers and drives sales. Simplify app management, ramping engagement, and elevate your mobile presence. Fydez solves the challenge of engaging mobile shoppers with powerful, easy-to-use solutions designed for real business impact.

    Fydez transforms mobile native e-commerce for merchants with an intuitive dashboard for effortless mobile app customization, leveraging cutting-edge native technology for peak performance. Stand out with a seamless, responsive app experience that captivates customers and drives sales. Simplify app management, ramping engagement, and elevate your mobile presence. Fydez solves the challenge of engaging mobile shoppers with powerful, easy-to-use solutions designed for real business impact. more
    • Build interactive e-comm apps without coding for real-time customer engagement.
    • Easy to use dashboard with step by step guide on how to create your app.
    • Leverage the power of push notifications to nudge your customers to buy more!

    Rating And Reviews


    May 05, 2024  on Shopify

    Fydez has already helped us engage with our customers better and save in email marketing costs. Easy to use for non technical staff, totally recommend it.

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