Helps merchants to authenticate clients using SMS verification
70-3-30A, D'Piazza Mall, Jalan Mahsuri, Bayan Baru, PNG, 11950, MY
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FraudLabs Pro SMS Verification verifies if the buyer is the right owner of the given phone number by using the SMS verification loop. To begin with, our system will send a SMS message containing the OTP (One-Time-Passcode) to the given mobile phone number. The buyer is required to enter the correct OTP for verification. It places a checkpoint at the view-cart page in order to filter out non-serious buyers, which can effectively authenticate the buyer's identity.
Prevent lost and stolen packages before they happen
Win every dispute and chargeback on PayPal, Stripe, and...
Prevent Fraud And Approve Good Orders
Quickly block and redirect visitors based on country and...