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Fraud Filter

Develop by Shopify
Free App

Create custom filters to help you prevent fraud

Custom filters
Order flagging
Order blocking
The app is no longer available

About Fraud Filter

Launched Feb 18, 2013


Built by Shopify

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
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Create rules to flag or prevent known customers from placing orders on your store.

Fraud Filter can provide an additional layer of protection to help you fight fraud and avoid chargebacks. By using Fraud Filter's simple rule-based functionality you can easily set up warnings for suspicious orders, or block orders completely. When an order matches a filter you've created, Fraud Filter will flag it as suspicious to warn you or automatically cancel it for you, depending on what action you've chosen.

Fraud Filter can provide an additional layer of protection to help you fight fraud and avoid chargebacks. By using Fraud Filter's simple rule-based functionality you can easily set up warnings for suspicious orders, or block orders completely. When an order matches a filter you've created, Fraud Filter will flag it as suspicious to warn you or automatically cancel it for you, depending on what action you've chosen. more
  • Create custom filters that meet the needs of your business
  • Orders that match your filters can be flagged as suspicious on the order page
  • Use filters to prevent certain known customers from placing orders on your store


  • Provides an additional layer of protection to help fight fraud and avoid chargebacks
  • Simple rule-based functionality allows for easy setup of warnings or order blocks
  • Can automatically flag suspicious orders or cancel them based on custom filters
  • Allows for the creation of custom filters tailored to specific business needs
  • Filters can be used to prevent certain known customers from placing orders


  • The app may ignore certain rules, allowing fraudulent customers to bypass filters
  • Filters do not necessarily block fraudulent orders from happening; they may only cancel them after the fact
  • Lack of visible or accessible customer support for users experiencing issues

Top Helpful Reviews


Dec 27, 2024  on Shopify

This app does not work. No matter which filter is added, the rules don't work as mentioned. Useless app.


Nov 29, 2024  on Shopify

Hi, this app is itself some kind of fraud. I have blocked fraud customers but everytime their order is processed and the app does nothing about it. Probably its created by some fraudster only to trouble the store owners. Please dont downlaod it if you dont want trouble.


Nov 28, 2024  on Shopify

So many things wrong with this app. Wish i saw the ratings earlier before downloading. 1. Rules you set in place does not work (customer name, email, phone number, street address, etc) customer is still able to purchase and order comes through fine. Order doesn't automatically cancel like it states it would. I saw a response saying when order is fulfilled the rule doesn't apply, yet the order the customer made wasn't fulfilled but it still went through 2. No customer support 3. Don't waste you time on this app. Find something else

The Living Seed Company

Jun 30, 2024  on Shopify

I set up a rule for a specific customer that has made over 25 fraudulent purchases. Yes the app canceled the orders but did not block them from happening. I can not see where to contact customer support - very frustrating.


Jun 17, 2024  on Shopify

I had a rule setup on a customer who damages items to collect insurance claims and keeps the item and/or say the customers packages were open and items were removed repeatly - i contact Shopify and they told me to contact the developer so here i am... only to find out Shopify is the developer. what the heck. Edit: customer placed an order; made fake insurance claims. We place on auto cancel fraud list with app. 30 days later the same customer with same email places a new order that is not fulfilled. Contact Shopify and they tell me to contact the developer and then realize Shopify is the developer and here I am. Confused

Pill Farmácia Digital

May 06, 2024  on Shopify

The app completely ignored a particular rule that I had set up. Hence, a fraudolent customer was able to do a repurchase. Not happy about it.


Apr 15, 2024  on Shopify

The app don’t work. I have the address filled for the filter and the app doesn’t let me save. It kept asking me to put the info even though I’ve already filled the info I wanted to blacklist. 1/5 app.

Ag Manuals, LLC - A Provider of Digital Farm Manuals

Mar 06, 2024  on Shopify

I had a rule in place that it completely ignored. Lost a sale due to fraud! It cancelled one order and didn't even alert me or show an order where it ran. Terrible app. Why even offer it?

Secondhand Mods

Feb 14, 2024  on Shopify

This app simply does not work and has created a very uncomfortable and dangerous situation for me. I have a disturbed customer who I've tried blocking several times using this app and it's failed every time. Do not download.


Nov 20, 2023  on Shopify

The filter DOES work, but you need to understand how to use it. I'll tell you how to set things up so it works 100% of the time. 1. The FIRST rule triggered is the ONLY rule processed. that means that if you have a rule for "flag all orders from Germany" and another rule for "Cancel Jane Doe from Germany" the First rule will trigger first and say "Warning, this order is from Germany". The rule for Jane Doe will never be triggered. 2. The rules are VERY SPECIFIC. If you want to flag Jane Doe who lives at 123 Main Street, you must do it in a specific manner: Billing Address 1 (CONTAINS) "Main" You're sorting and flagging any billing address that contains the word MAIN in it. Why? Because Jane doe could put in 123 Main St. and bypass the filter because it wasn't exactly 123 Main Street. 3. EVERY SINGLE ITEM MUST MATCH FOR THE RULE TO TRIGGER That means if your rule is matching Name, Address, and Phone ALL of them must be present and match exactly before the rule triggers. So you need to set up individual rules for each part of the fraudster. You need one rule that (CONTAINS) the Phone number eg. 5043684444 You need one rule that (CONTAINS) the first part of the email address eg. "Fraudster@" You need one rule for JUST the Billing address and Zip code. eg. Main and 70054 You need one rule for JUST the Shipping address and Zip code. eg. Main and 70054 And that's how it will work 100% every single time. If it's failing, you've not set it up properly. Picture of Rules: 1: https://i.imgur.com/JE6uOJ6.png 2: https://i.imgur.com/UuXCKCP.png 3: https://i.imgur.com/jJxcLaF.png I have 115 pages of them, and they work. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Now, on to my complaints: Shopify, you need to make it so I can sort by the Rule Name. OMG, please, make this happen. Also, WHY WHY WHY for the love of gawd, do I have to go through 125 pages before I can edit the last rule I created? And WHY do you refresh the screen back to page one after I save the changes? Did I hurt you? or are you just evil? :( :( I need to be able to specify a page of rules, and you need to stop sending me back to page one whenever I change a rule. Okay? thanks, love ya!

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