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Develop by Flatly


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Bulk Data Export to 10+ Spreadsheets & Cloud Storage Services

    Automatic sync
    Intuitive setup
    Custom analytics
    Bulk data export
    Data replication
    Read-only access
    Third-party connectivity
    Numerous data sets

    About Flatly

    Launched Aug 15, 2023



    Flatly syncs comprehensive store data sets to 10+ spreadsheets and drives

    Flatly exports and replicates comprehensive store data sets in spreadsheets and cloud storage apps for several use cases: [1] Custom Analytics -create your own dashboards and charts based on your store data. [2] Read-only Data Access -share your store data with your team members. [3] Connectivity -connect your store data to third party dashboard apps like Looker Studio or PowerBI. Flatly is a point-and-click web app that runs in your browser and automatically syncs your store data for you.

    Flatly exports and replicates comprehensive store data sets in spreadsheets and cloud storage apps for several use cases: [1] Custom Analytics -create your own dashboards and charts based on your store data. [2] Read-only Data Access -share your store data with your team members. [3] Connectivity -connect your store data to third party dashboard apps like Looker Studio or PowerBI. Flatly is a point-and-click web app that runs in your browser and automatically syncs your store data for you. more
    • Numerous data sets are supported
    • Bulk data sync without stale warehoused data
    • Combo data sets like Orders+Transactions
    • Numerous data destinations are supported
    • Intuitive, self-guided setup


    • Comprehensive data export to spreadsheets and cloud storage services
    • Supports various use cases such as custom analytics, read-only data access, and connectivity to third-party apps
    • Point-and-click web app that runs in a browser for ease of use
    • Automated data syncing to ensure up-to-date information
    • Numerous supported data sets including combo data sets like Orders+Transactions
    • Supports many data destinations
    • Intuitive and self-guided setup process


    • Potential dependency on internet connectivity due to being web-based
    • Limited to the types of data sets and destinations pre-supported by the app
    • Possible inconsistency or timing issues with automatic syncing

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