Showing 1 to 7 of 7 Apps
  • $4.99 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial
1 Reviews

Easy way to confirm manual bank transfer payment

Confirm payment form
Tag orders paid
Filter paid orders
  • $4.99-$29.99 / Month
  • 30 Days Free Trial
617 Reviews

Profile, order history, reorders & more in a functional portal

Store credit rewards
Reorder functionality
Profile customization
Order history logging
Recently viewed tracking
Customer contact support
  • $29 / Month
  • 14 Days Free Trial
16 Reviews

Custom order & picking list templates + Order filtering

Unlimited custom templates
Sort & filter orders
Print by location
Barcode/qr code support
Avoid double printing

Show and print order's shipping address & product's quantity

Filter by date
View unfulfilled orders
Print shipping addresses

Easily manage orders and segmenting customers by tagging.

Unlimited workflows
Instant tagging
Orders manager
Customers tags
Rules-based tagging
Backdating tags

Easily manage your orders and returns in bulk

Bulk cancel orders
Real-time progress
Bulk update orders
Rich order filters
Bulk archive orders
Bulk approve returns
  • $2.9 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

Hide shipping rates by title, postcodes and order weight

Customer tags
Hide shipping rates
Filter by postcode
Filter by weight
Filter by title
Recurring products