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Event Management‑MyAppGurus

Develop by MyAppGurus
Free plan available

Streamline your event planning and boost attendance

Google maps integration
Event categories management
Event ticket creation
Short video uploads
Qr code implementation

About Event Management‑MyAppGurus

Launched May 11, 2023


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Now you can Plan, Organize & Manage the events on a single platform

This is a user-friendly event management app for event organizers to handle their events through a single application. It has a comprehensive suite of tools for event planning and management. This will help the event organizers to save time, reduce costs, and create more successful events. Admins can easily track every event in their organization and manage them accordingly. This solution is dedicated to deliver hassle-free experience and run an event perfectly.

This is a user-friendly event management app for event organizers to handle their events through a single application. It has a comprehensive suite of tools for event planning and management. This will help the event organizers to save time, reduce costs, and create more successful events. Admins can easily track every event in their organization and manage them accordingly. This solution is dedicated to deliver hassle-free experience and run an event perfectly. more
  • Users can create, edit and manage all the event categories from the admin panel.
  • Admin can create event tickets for events
  • Capability to upload short videos for events.
  • Admin/Users can enable or disable Google Maps for location and directions
  • QR code implementation for events


  • User-friendly interface for event organizers
  • Comprehensive tools for event planning and management
  • Helps save time and reduce costs
  • Track and manage multiple events easily
  • Admin panel allows for creating, editing, and managing event categories
  • Ability to create event tickets
  • Feature to upload short videos for events
  • Google Maps integration for location and directions
  • QR code implementation for events

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