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Elastic Email Tools logo

Elastic Email Tools

Develop by Boohead, Inc.


/ Month
Free plan available

Connect & automate workflows between store & Elastic Email

Data synchronization
Multiple account management
Custom data mapping
Automate email campaigns
Webhook data control

About Elastic Email Tools

Launched Jun 29, 2023


Built by Boohead, Inc.

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Connect, automate, and effortlessly integrate Elastic Email for powerful email marketing.

Achieve the ultimate integration between Shopify and Elastic Email with this app - perfect for taking your e-commerce business to the next level! With this app, you can effortlessly connect your Shopify store to the Elastic Email platform and begin automating your email marketing campaigns. For instance, when a customer signs up on your Shopify store, their data is automatically sent to Elastic Email, saving time by eliminating the need for manual data entry.

Achieve the ultimate integration between Shopify and Elastic Email with this app - perfect for taking your e-commerce business to the next level! With this app, you can effortlessly connect your Shopify store to the Elastic Email platform and begin automating your email marketing campaigns. For instance, when a customer signs up on your Shopify store, their data is automatically sent to Elastic Email, saving time by eliminating the need for manual data entry. more
  • Customize how the data is mapped between Shopify and Elastic Email account.
  • Ability to decide which Webbook data will be sent to Elastic Email account.
  • Ability to add and manage multiple Elastic Email accounts.


  • Effortless connection between Shopify store and Elastic Email platform
  • Automates email marketing campaigns, saving time on manual data entry
  • Customizable data mapping between Shopify and Elastic Email accounts
  • Ability to decide which Webbook data will be sent to Elastic Email account
  • Supports managing multiple Elastic Email accounts

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