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easyLabel: Japan Post logo

easyLabel: Japan Post

Develop by Lunaris


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7 Days Free Trial

Create Japan Post labels, fulfill orders, and more!

Order fulfillment
Label creation
Partial fulfillment
Shipping data auto-population
Multiple labels
Tracking info updates
Shipping method selection
Item modification
Weight adjustment
8 Reviews

About easyLabel: Japan Post

Launched Sep 12, 2017


Built by Lunaris

Email :

[email protected]


Kichijouji Honcho 2-14-27, T's BRIGHTIA Kichijouji Ⅱ 2F, Musashino, JP-13, 180-0004, JP

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No-fuss Japan Post label creation and order fulfillment!

Create an international Japan Post label without having to leave Shopify – just select a shipping method and print! Shipping data - like product name, HS code, order value, package weight, and more - are auto-populated and modifiable. Once a label is printed, the order is fulfilled and tracking info is sent to the customer. Partial order fulfillment and multiple labels supported. International orders are even easier when paired with easyRates! *Domestic shipping within Japan is not supported.

Create an international Japan Post label without having to leave Shopify – just select a shipping method and print! Shipping data - like product name, HS code, order value, package weight, and more - are auto-populated and modifiable. Once a label is printed, the order is fulfilled and tracking info is sent to the customer. Partial order fulfillment and multiple labels supported. International orders are even easier when paired with easyRates! *Domestic shipping within Japan is not supported. more
  • Create and view labels for international Japan Post shipments
  • Adjust shipping weight, item quantity, declared value, HS codes, and insurance
  • Fulfill orders, incl. partial order fulfillment, and send tracking to customers
  • Generate multiple labels/shipments for an order
  • Stay up-to-date with current shipping service restrictions


  • Allows creation of international Japan Post labels directly within Shopify
  • Automatically populates shipping data like product name, HS code, order value, package weight, and more
  • Supports modification of shipping details
  • Offers partial order fulfillment and multiple labels for a single order
  • Sends tracking information to customers automatically
  • Provides up-to-date information on current shipping service restrictions


  • Does not support domestic shipping within Japan
  • Output language limitation: labels are generated in the language used for product registration, which can be inconvenient if products are registered in Japanese and need an English label

Top Helpful Reviews


Aug 06, 2024  on Shopify

海外発送用のアプリなのに、出力はは商品登録した言語でしかできません。商品を日本語で登録している場合、ラベルは日本語で出力されてしまいます。使い勝手が良いアプリなだけに非常に残念です。 → その後、登録している言語で表示できるように改良してくださいました。新仕様についてはまだ完全には評価できていませんが、迅速に対応していただき、とても感激しています。


Jul 21, 2024  on Shopify


Samurai Express24

Apr 12, 2024  on Shopify

DO NOT USE THIS APP, YOUR CLIENTS WILL SEND YOU THE CHARGEBACK! the surface doesn't have any tracking number, but this app automatically send random tracking number to clients. Our clients have been complained that they have received tracking number, it has delivered but they haven't received. Worst customer support I have ever received. They know that this happened under their app, but they are making so many excuses and not apologize once. 越境ビジネスを検討されている皆さま 利用は控えた方がいいですよ、船便にはトラッキングが無いと 日本郵便に確認を取っているのにも関わらず、このアプリ上でラベルを作成するとお客様に自動で送られてしまいます。 クレジットカード会社から詐欺だと訴えられて 対応に追われて散々なことばかりです。 カスタマーサポートの方は言い訳ばかりで自社で作ったラベルの認識はしていますが一言も謝りません。 呆れました。


Mar 29, 2024  on Shopify

Very convenient plugin, and outstanding customer support. They always listened to my few questions/issues and were very helpful. Well worth the price.


Mar 08, 2024  on Shopify

This app is amazing!! Really saves me a bunch of time into creating labels.It takes just a few seconds to create and print! Really easy to use! Also it has different currencies options for the label. This was one of my concerns but the team reached out to me with this new option and made my day ! I’m really happy with the attention I received and the solution for my concern. Thank you SO much Easy label team !! You guys are amazing !

Japanese Green Tea Shops

May 23, 2020  on Shopify

If you are printing labels by hand, then you sure will appreciate how useful this app is. You also might be aware that in the near future (January 2021), all shipments from Japan via Japan Post (specifically to the United States) will have to be "printed". In principle "hand written labels" to the US will not be accepted by JP Post, as parcels with handwritten labels may be delayed or returned by US Customs. It will become necessary to use the JP Post "International Mail My-Page Service". (I've already tried using this service and soon realized how cumbersome and time consuming printing even one label is). If you want to make shipping from Japan simple and easy, then this app is a must for your store. The App is very easy to install. No coding is necessary, just install and you'll be able to print labels with ease in minutes. Pros: Simple to install. Very easy to print labels. Automatically prints Customs forms and Invoices when necessary. Saves a huge amount of time processing orders. Cons: You will need to keep lots of ink available for your printer. Customer service: When sending an email request for "service", no "acknowledgement of receipt" and mediocre response time. A bit pricy as even the cheapest (lite plan - just 100 labels a month) costs $14.90.


Feb 20, 2020  on Shopify

Great app for those who use Japan Post to ship orders. Easy to use interface with options to configure your labels. I must also mention that the Lunaris team is awesome when it comes to support and adding features. They are committed to their customers and to improving their product. Definitely a five star service!

Neko Box Shop

Nov 24, 2017  on Shopify

We got this app to help with creating international shipping labels using Japan Post's shipping options. It's so much faster and easier than using the Japan Post 'International My Page' service! We'll be using this app instead from now on. The developers are also really supportive and responsive and speak English. We like the tiered pricing options too. Try it out! It'll save you a lot of time if you're regularly shipping from Japan using Japan Post.

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