Packrooster Shipping logo

Packrooster Shipping

Develop by Approosters


/ Month
14 Days Free Trial

Ship with UPS, DHL, PostNord, Bring, Budbee, Posti and more

Automatic fulfillment
Advanced filters
Print labels
Carrier connections
Pickup points
24 Reviews

About Packrooster Shipping

Built by Approosters

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Siltakatu 10 B 30, Joensuu, 80100, FI

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Shipping rates with advanced filters. Use carriers, pickup points, create labels & fulfill orders.

Create shipping rates with advanced visibility filters for checkout. Connect shipping carriers such as UPS, PostNord, Bring, Budbee, DHL Express, Omniva, DB Schenker, Deutsche Post, Posti, Matkahuolto, Shipit, GLS Finland & Kaukokiito. Use carrier pickup points, fulfill orders, print shipping labels, create return labels and customs documents. Shopify Locations are also supported. New carriers and features are added constantly based on merchant requests.

Create shipping rates with advanced visibility filters for checkout. Connect shipping carriers such as UPS, PostNord, Bring, Budbee, DHL Express, Omniva, DB Schenker, Deutsche Post, Posti, Matkahuolto, Shipit, GLS Finland & Kaukokiito. Use carrier pickup points, fulfill orders, print shipping labels, create return labels and customs documents. Shopify Locations are also supported. New carriers and features are added constantly based on merchant requests. more
  • Show shipping methods at checkout based on products, customer location and more
  • Connect shipping carriers to your store
  • Show carrier pickup points at checkout
  • Print shipping labels, return labels and customs documents
  • Use barcode reading to automatically fulfill & print orders


  • Supports multiple major shipping carriers like UPS, DHL, PostNord, Bring, and more
  • Advanced visibility filters for creating shipping rates at checkout
  • Allows connection to various shipping carriers directly from the app
  • Displays carrier pickup points at checkout
  • Enables printing of shipping labels, return labels, and customs documents
  • Supports barcode reading for automatic order fulfillment and printing
  • Integrates with Shopify Locations
  • New carriers and features are added regularly based on merchant requests


  • Some users find it faster to use direct sign-ins with carriers rather than using the app
  • May not necessarily speed up the shipping process for certain tasks

Rating And Reviews

Swedish Candy Store

Sep 01, 2024  on Shopify

Kirjalan Paahtimo

Aug 22, 2024  on Shopify

Todella hyvä applicaatio. Kaikki toiminut alusta saakka moitteettomasti. Asiakaspalvelu enemmän kuin 6/5.


May 13, 2024  on Shopify

Does not speed things up at all... It is faster to just sign in directly to Matkahuolto and copy paste customers address.

Shave Club

Mar 27, 2024  on Shopify

Really happy with Packrooster! This app has really helped us in the efficiency and reliability of order processing. In addition, customer service is super good and fast!


Feb 12, 2024  on Shopify

Simply the best app for fullfilling orders and printing shipping labels. Packrooster saves a tons of time with automatic printing and fulfillling with barcode reader. Have been using for years.

Red Hat Factory

Dec 14, 2023  on Shopify

Very simple to use and great service. They actually went straight and fixed a bug I reported within a couple of days.


Oct 03, 2023  on Shopify

This app has truly been a game-changer for us, addressing multiple pain points with ease. The support team has been nothing short of outstanding – always friendly and exceptionally helpful. Furthermore, we've successfully rolled out a few custom changes that have supercharged our workflow. We absolutely recommend this app to anyone looking for a solid solution.


Sep 20, 2023  on Shopify

We have been using Packrooster to make our PostNord labels for about 2 months now at Sneak.fi. We haven't faced any major issues and everything has been very smooth and simple. The support is very fast, we solved our problem in 5 minutes from sending the mail.


Sep 18, 2023  on Shopify

Great app that has supported the needs of our growing online store in Finland and in other markets in Europe. Above all, their customer service is fast, super friendly and will work to resolve any fulfillment issue we encounter.

Pipemade.com | Online Store for Drain Professionals

Jul 27, 2023  on Shopify

We have been using Packroosters for 1,5 years now and we are happy that we found this app. We are located in Finland and wanted to have the following things: -Possibility to use different carriers with ease. -Easy to use app for ordering delivery services -Flexible options for shipment pricing (most flexible yet!) -Good support that responses quickly Packroosters have delivered all the above. We highly recommend to give it at least a try!

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