Showcase an estimated delivery date timeline on product pages
AddressRE2 Limited, 128 City Road, London, ENG, EC1V 2NX, GB
Website Support Portal Privacy policy FAQ DocumentFacing low add-to-cart rates and conversions? Uncertainty around delivery times can deter customers, creating friction at checkout. Delivery Timer is your solution. It displays clear delivery estimations and shipping times, tailored to your store's specific order by, cut-off, and dispatch times. Set up geolocation zones for accurate delivery details across countries and states. Includes geolocation for accuracy, custom rules for varied products, and customization to suit your store's design.
Estimated Delivery Date Range & EDD Shipping Countdown...
Show estimated delivery date to improve sales & build...
Display estimated delivery dates, delivery times, and more....
Boosts trust & Shopping experience with delivery dates...
Schedule your store pickup, delivery time & click and...
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Display trust badges and countdown timer to boost sales
Boost sales with ETA, estimated delivery time & shipping...