Boosts trust & Shopping experience with delivery dates & timer
202, A Wing, Mangeshshanta Appartment, Arogya Mandir, Ratnagiri, MH, 415612, IN
Website Privacy policyWe make ordering system transparent. As per current time customers are very curious about when their orders will be successfully delivered to them. We are offering to merchant that you can give information to customers about when their products will be delivered if they order today. From the app admin, Merchant can set delivery date as their format, language, fonts, color and size with icons. App is allowing to merchant to set different delivery date to each products independently.
Show estimated delivery date to improve sales & build...
Countdown timer bar, stock countdown, estimated delivery...
Schedule order delivery date, store pickup and local delivery...
Increase sales with customized delivery times on product...
Add a local pickup or local delivery option to your cart...
Order dispatch and delivery date estimate message for products...
Offer your customers various carriers pickup points to choose...
Expéditions en Point Relais & à l'International