Feesly: Surcharge & Fees (POS) logo

Customer reviews: Feesly: Surcharge & Fees (POS)

Develop by MerchBytes

Reviews (11)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally find "Feesly: Surcharge & Fees (POS)" to be an invaluable tool for managing surcharges in their point of sale systems. Most praise it as a unique solution that works reliably in adding necessary fees where other apps fail. Despite some technical challenges, users appreciate its functionality, particularly in saving costs over time.

Key Strengths

  • Reliable in adding credit card fees to POS transactions.
  • Fast customer service and resolution of issues.
  • Significant cost savings reported by users.

Common Concerns

  • Calculation of fees before tax, conflicting with some merchant practices.
  • Occasional system outages and slow application of surcharges.
  • Lack of automation in fee application, requiring manual intervention.
  • Trouble with applying surcharges to individual items in the checkout.
  • Limited response from customer service on specific technical issues.

Final Thoughts

"Feesly: Surcharge & Fees (POS)" is well-regarded by users for its capability to manage surcharges effectively, although some technical limitations and manual processes remain points of contention. Merchants find this app useful overall, especially for those focused on POS systems, but it could benefit from updates to streamline its operations.

Farm & Ranch Candle Co.

Nov 03, 2024  on Shopify

Super grateful for fast service. Haven’t needed it much, but when I do, they respond quickly to resolve the issue! Any small biz owner needs that fast response time! Thank you! Totally recommend!

SR Mulch & Grinding, Inc.

Sep 19, 2024  on Shopify

When the application works, it works great. The only issue I have with the application itself is that it calculates the fee before tax, and my merchant charges us after tax. There have been times when the system goes down. It can be frustrating, but usually it only takes contacting the help center and they are quick to investigate and fix the problem.

She Science

Aug 06, 2024  on Shopify

The discount fee's stopped working with the latest POS update. No response from the app about our enquiries about this. Would love a reply so that we can get this working again.

The Farmhouse

Aug 06, 2024  on Shopify

I would love to give this app 5 stars but the app was working just fine and doing exactly what I needed it to do last week but now today it is not working at all. I have reached out to get support but am losing money with every transaction since I cannot add the proper fees.

Lowney's Landscaping Center, Inc.

May 30, 2024  on Shopify

Giving it 5 stars because it's the only method that works that we've tried so far, to add credit card fees on POS. Yes we would also love it if it were automatic -- if the person working the checkout forgets to push the button, we just have to eat that fee. But the developer has stated they can't do that because Shopify has to update/change something first. Also noting that we ONLY use POS so I'm not sure what we would do if we were to need this with a "regular" ecommerce website.


Mar 24, 2024  on Shopify

App works perfectly! Does exactly what I need. I have an apparel store and need to add surcharges for specific things and this does it perfectly. I cannot add it to an individual item which would be good, although I just add the items that need the surcharge first, then add the surcharge which it then calculates on that, then I add the remaining items which separates itself from the surcharge. 5 stars for me!

Altrela Products

Nov 13, 2023  on Shopify

I've given this 4 stars but may adjust after using in the real world. From our testing it works great and provides a simple solution for adding credit card fees using POS. It would be excellent if it was fully automated but for now I'll take this option as it is since it seems to be the only fee app that is actually working as expected. The other two I found simply are cumbersome and do not work with POS.

Mtech Distributors

Jun 26, 2023  on Shopify

SMH, when you have something that have more issues than a solution, stop before offer to people. Thank you


Apr 14, 2023  on Shopify

App does work as required - adds percentage based surcharge to POS checkouts. However it is not able to calculate a surcharge at any point of adding items to the checkout (only at the end). Lastly, the time taken to apply the surcharge to the checkout is far too long (as long as 20 seconds). I'm not sure of the math on that but in a 6-8 our working day serving customers at the POS, were losing lots of sales time in waiting for a surcharge to apply.

Rustler Supply

Nov 08, 2022  on Shopify

This app does not support my needs and is the only one even close. We need to set up a custom tax and this app you still have to add it each time to cart and it shows up very strangely on the receipt. No one from customer service has responded to me.

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