DiscountYard — Stack Discounts logo

DiscountYard — Stack Discounts

Develop by MerchantYard


/ Month
Free plan available 7 Days Free Trial

Stack & combine discounts, labels, bundles to increase AOV

Product bundles
Stackable discounts
Tiered discounts
Product labels
On-cart discounts
Featured offers widget
81 Reviews

About DiscountYard — Stack Discounts

Launched Dec 23, 2020


Built by MerchantYard

Email :

[email protected]


Sharjah Media City, Al Messaned, Sharjah, SH, 515000, AE

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Z Promote & Convert Popup logo
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Introduction Video


Increase cart to checkout conversion rate with stacking discounts, tiered discounts & product labels

DiscountYard helps you increase sales by offering multiple automatic discounts to customers, allowing customers to add and stack their discount codes on cart, tiered automatic discounts, combine multiple discounts using one code, employee & staff discounts, product labels & product bundles. We offer 24/7 email and live chat support.

DiscountYard helps you increase sales by offering multiple automatic discounts to customers, allowing customers to add and stack their discount codes on cart, tiered automatic discounts, combine multiple discounts using one code, employee & staff discounts, product labels & product bundles. We offer 24/7 email and live chat support. more
  • On-cart discounts, Customers can stack discounts on cart discount field
  • Tiered discounts by a combined code or automatically applied to customer's cart
  • Product labels, Add labels and badges to your products to enhance sales.
  • Product bundles, Sell more products by suggesting attractive combos to customers
  • Feature selected offers on a side widget to encourage customers to buy more

Discount features

  • Discount types: Cart discounts, Coupons, Discount codes, Fixed pricing, Flat discounts, Free shipping, Gifts, Percentage discounts, Rewards, Tiered pricing
  • Managing discounts: Discount stacking, Targeting


  • Enables stacking and combining multiple discount codes to increase Average Order Value (AOV)
  • Supports various discount types like cart discounts, coupons, discount codes, fixed pricing, flat discounts, free shipping, gifts, percentage discounts, and rewards
  • Offers on-cart discounts allowing customers to stack discounts directly in the cart
  • Provides tiered automatic discounts for better pricing strategies
  • Includes employee and staff discounts, facilitating internal sales promotions
  • Features product labels and badges to visually enhance sales
  • Offers product bundles to encourage customers to buy more through attractive combos
  • Includes a side widget for prominently featuring selected offers, encouraging additional purchases
  • 24/7 email and live chat support for immediate assistance


  • Could lead to reduced margins due to multiple discounts being stacked
  • Complexity in managing various discounts and codes might be overwhelming for some users
  • Potential for customer confusion over multiple applied discounts
  • Needs ongoing monitoring to ensure discounts are applied correctly and to prevent misuse

Top Helpful Reviews

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By The Board Games & Entertainment

Jan 04, 2024  on Shopify

First, my goals were pretty unique and I was hoping it would solve my very frustrating issues. The staff was great to install the app on my behalf and the app worked as intended for the time I tested it and I could see much of its potential for many other businesses. Unfortunately, it was not solution I was looking for and did find something else that worked for our needs that I could implement quickly. The staff members that helped during the process were super helpful and responsive and had no intentions of giving up on or dismissing my concerns. I would highly recommend this company.

Canadian Piercing Supply

Dec 30, 2023  on Shopify

Finally found the app I needed to bring together all my discounts and store credits together harmoniously! This app does integrate with my Shopacado volume discounts and Shopify discount codes and Credityard app (made by these guys as well and another totally awesome app). I am so thankful to have them all working together finally it was a nightmare trying to make this happen til I found this app!

Raw Dog Chews Wholesale

Oct 30, 2023  on Shopify

I needed to have a label moved on the item and I contacted support. Within minutes of sending a message and requesting a customization, support got it taken care of for me. Would highly recommend this app and this developer to anyone. They are prompt and really know what they are doing.

Bros - Living Wing Sdn Bhd

Oct 26, 2023  on Shopify

App : completely solved the issue that I was facing. being able to plug in the final piece of the puzzle. customer service: top class, fast respond and straight to the point, and able to get the issue resolved Totall recommend if you are looking for the same solutions.

Hanky Panky

Oct 03, 2023  on Shopify

The customer service that comes with this app is outstanding! It never takes more than 5 mins for a reply, even on evenings and weekends. Would recommend!

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