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Script Ninja

Develop by Checkout Chick
Free plan available 2 Days Free Trial

Create powerful scripts and tools to automate your store.

Automate workflows
Create scripts
Ruby scripting
Invoke scripts
Periodic tasks

About Script Ninja

Launched Apr 23, 2020


Built by Checkout Chick

Email :

[email protected]


60 Parkinson Ave, South Turramurra, NSW, 2074, AU

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Script Ninja is an app that lets merchants create powerful scripts and tools that save time. Merchants can create scripts to perform repetitive tasks, automate complex workflows and control Shopify. Script Ninja uses Ruby, the same scripting language that Shopify is built in. Beyond script editing, Script Ninja includes Workflows that invoke scripts periodically or when things happen on your Shopify store. Scripts can even be invoked from your Shopify Online Store with their output shown...

Script Ninja is an app that lets merchants create powerful scripts and tools that save time. Merchants can create scripts to perform repetitive tasks, automate complex workflows and control Shopify. Script Ninja uses Ruby, the same scripting language that Shopify is built in. Beyond script editing, Script Ninja includes Workflows that invoke scripts periodically or when things happen on your Shopify store. Scripts can even be invoked from your Shopify Online Store with their output shown... more


  • Enables creation of powerful scripts and tools for automation
  • Saves time by automating repetitive tasks and complex workflows
  • Uses Ruby, which is familiar to Shopify developers
  • Includes Workflows feature for periodically or event-driven script invocation
  • Scripts can output directly on the Shopify Online Store
  • Enhances control over Shopify store operations


  • Requires knowledge of Ruby programming language
  • May have a learning curve for non-technical merchants
  • Dependence on correct script functioning to avoid potential store issues
  • No mentioned support for other scripting languages
  • Limited information on customer support and troubleshooting resources
  • Potential performance impact if scripts are not optimized

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