HTML Meta Keywords Builder EX logo

HTML Meta Keywords Builder EX


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Add Meta Keywords in HTML source code to any e-commerce store.

Api integration
Enhance seo
Add meta keywords
Theme code enhancement

About HTML Meta Keywords Builder EX

Launched Sep 29, 2021


Built by Cloudian International (Hong Kong) Limited

Email :

[email protected]


Room 9, ICT Co-Working Centre, Units 109B-113, 1/F,, Building 5W, Science Park,, Shatin,, NT, 00000, HK

Website Privacy policy


We add Meta Keywords to your HTML source code for SEO purpose.

Meta Keywords is not a default function. We operate API and Theme Code to enhance the e-commerce store. Search Engine will be able to capture Meta Keywords data to improve organic search ranking.

Meta Keywords is not a default function. We operate API and Theme Code to enhance the e-commerce store. Search Engine will be able to capture Meta Keywords data to improve organic search ranking. more
  • Add Meta Keywords to Homepage.
  • Add Meta Keywords to Products page.
  • Add Meta Keywords to Landing Pages.

Introduction Video


  • Enhances e-commerce store functionality by adding Meta Keywords to HTML source code
  • Works through API and Theme Code integration, ensuring broad compatibility
  • Can improve organic search ranking by making Meta Keywords data available to search engines
  • Allows addition of Meta Keywords to various sections such as Homepage, Products page, and Landing Pages


  • Meta Keywords is not a default function, implying additional setup and maintenance
  • Requires API and Theme Code changes, which might be challenging for users unfamiliar with coding

Rating And Reviews


Aug 30, 2022  on Shopify

当我选择Pages页面时,$(".Polaris-DataTable__Footer.pagination")这个DOM被错误的隐藏掉了,我需要在样式中设置dispaly: block才能进行翻页操作。请尽快修复这个问题,谢谢

本木序 The Preface

Nov 30, 2021  on Shopify

I have been looking for long to find this app . it is exactly what I need to do. I used this app to enhance my SEO. great app.

Berkey Water Hong Kong

Sep 29, 2021  on Shopify

I used this app to help me to add meta keywords. I really like how it does the modification. Recommend to my friends too.

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