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Room 9, ICT Co-Working Centre, Units 109B-113, 1/F,, Building 5W, Science Park,, Shatin,, NT, 00000, HK
Website Privacy policyAdd Meta Keywords in HTML source code to any e-commerce store. Show more
Meta Keywords is not a default function. We operate API and Theme Code to enhance the e-commerce store. Search Engine will be able to capture Meta Keywords data to improve organic search ranking.
Auto build backlinks for your e-Commerce Store. Show more
# Why you need backlinks? Backlinks are important in Off-Page SEO. The more the backlinks you have, the better the Search Engine Results Pages you might have. With this Shopify App, you can get high quality backlinks easily. It is free, simple and traceable. Paid subscription is also available for better result. # Instruction 1. Install the app on Shopify App Store. 2. Select the plan in App. 3. Get listing on external websites. # Update Information 1. The listing information will copy to...
Add Meta Keywords in HTML source code to any e-commerce...