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Customer reviews: Shopify Checkout Blocks

Develop by Shopify

Reviews (78)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants generally find "Checkout Blocks" to be a useful tool for customizing their checkout process. However, feedback is mixed, with some praising its functionality and ease of use while others express dissatisfaction due to pricing and support concerns. Many acknowledge the app's potential to enhance the checkout experience, though limited access under the basic plan poses challenges, especially for smaller businesses.

Key Strengths

  • Highly customizable blocks, allowing for personalized checkout experiences.
  • Easy implementation and straightforward user interface.
  • Supports specific use cases like hiding payment options and customizing Thank You pages.
  • Receives praises for excellent and responsive customer support from certain users.
  • Effective in handling geolocation rules and content display rules for discount codes.

Common Concerns

  • The cost of the app is considered high, particularly for small businesses.
  • Very limited features under the basic plan, necessitating premium subscriptions for full functionality.
  • Placement of blocks can be inconsistent, depending on user login status.
  • Criticism for lack of adequate support, particularly since Shopify owns the app.
  • Specific limitations noted, such as the inability to exclude certain days in a date picker.

Final Thoughts

Overall, "Checkout Blocks" provides a robust solution for enhancing the checkout process with a variety of customizable options. While many users appreciate its functionality, the high cost and limited support options present significant barriers. The app holds promise and may gain wider appeal if these concerns are addressed, especially by offering more accessible pricing tiers for small businesses.


Jul 25, 2024  on Shopify

Its a good start, but I'm hoping it expands and becomes better with more features. I currently have a date picker that I can't exclude disabled days as lead days, so as soon as it gets to Thursday customers are able to selected Monday when it should be Tuesday or later as I have excluded weekends as delivery days but no way to exclude as a lead day. I assume this will also not work for blackout days. I would of talked directly to the app developers but there is no dedicated contact service for the app but the generic shopify help, who, when I explained I wanted to add function to a checkout block dynamic content block, wrote a reply ignoring the app and included liquid code which I have no way of deploying as I have no access to the checkout code.

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