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Brightworks Analytics

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    A drag & drop insights finder on all your shops data

    Drag & drop
    Behavior analysis
    Custom dimensions
    Unique insights
    Conversion reasons

    About Brightworks Analytics

    Launched Jun 11, 2024


    Built by Maxwell Dev House


    Unleash the power of all your store analytics with our easy to use drag and drop report builder. Soon you'll be discovering more about your customers shopping behaviors than you ever thought possible. Drill down to the most unique customer interaction your heart desires to find hidden reasons for why your customers didn't convert.

    Unleash the power of all your store analytics with our easy to use drag and drop report builder. Soon you'll be discovering more about your customers shopping behaviors than you ever thought possible. Drill down to the most unique customer interaction your heart desires to find hidden reasons for why your customers didn't convert. more
    • Easy to use drag & drop makes report building a breeze!
    • Uncover hidden insights about sales and conversion from past visitors.
    • Create custom dimensions and metrics to track unique data to your store.


    • Easy to use drag & drop interface simplifies report building
    • Enables users to uncover hidden insights about sales and conversion from past visitors
    • Allows creation of custom dimensions and metrics to track unique data specific to the store
    • Helps in discovering detailed customer shopping behaviors
    • Assists in identifying reasons for why customers didn't convert


    • Might have a learning curve for users unfamiliar with drag & drop tools
    • Advanced features may require additional support or documentation
    • Possibly limited to certain types of analytics specific to e-commerce stores
    • May require a robust data source to be fully effective

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