Google Review Importer by WizQ logo

Google Review Importer by WizQ


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free plan available 7 Days Free Trial

    Add Google Reviews into your store to elevate your sales

    Google reviews integration
    Responsive support
    Daily updates
    Automatic review syncing
    Customizable widget layout
    Multiple widget styles
    Exclude undesired reviews
    Minimum rating filter

    About Google Review Importer by WizQ

    Launched Feb 29, 2024


    Built by wizQ Interactive Limited

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Room 5, Flat A, 6/F Wing Hong Factory Building,, 777-783 Yu Chau West Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Hong Kong, KL, 0, HK

    Website Privacy policy


    Incorporate a Google Reviews widget into your store to elevate brand reputation and drive sales.

    Effortlessly elevate brand reputation and skyrocket sales. Customize widget layout with responsive support for seamless integration. Enjoy simple installation and automatic review syncing, while easily excluding unwanted feedback. Showcase your products to build trust and drive conversions. Experience the transformative impact of authentic customer feedback. Try it now and witness your business soar!

    Effortlessly elevate brand reputation and skyrocket sales. Customize widget layout with responsive support for seamless integration. Enjoy simple installation and automatic review syncing, while easily excluding unwanted feedback. Showcase your products to build trust and drive conversions. Experience the transformative impact of authentic customer feedback. Try it now and witness your business soar! more
    • Import and display Google reviews by entering your business name and address
    • Automatically update Google reviews and ratings every day
    • Multiple widget layouts and customizable styles to complement your theme
    • Product reviews are generated based on your product name or specified keywords
    • Exclude undesired reviews and showcase based on minimum ratings

    Introduction Video


    • Effortlessly elevate brand reputation and skyrocket sales
    • Customize widget layout with responsive support for seamless integration
    • Simple installation and automatic review syncing
    • Easily exclude unwanted feedback
    • Showcase your products to build trust and drive conversions
    • Automatically update Google reviews and ratings every day
    • Multiple widget layouts and customizable styles to complement your theme
    • Product reviews are generated based on your product name or specified keywords


    • Dependence on accurate business name and address entry for importing reviews
    • Potential issues with automatically updating reviews not being timely
    • Customizable styles may still not perfectly match all themes
    • Excluding undesired reviews might not always be comprehensive for all feedback

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