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SF International

Free plan available

Shipping Ecommerce Parcels to over 220+ countries/regions

Multilingual support
Shipping parcels
Track parcels

Built by SF International

Email :

[email protected]


Software Park Industrial Base, Nanshan, shenzhen, GD, 518000, CN

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SF International is a multi-functional APP that supports shipping parcels, tracking parcels and mana

Shipping parcels:Ship by yourself or schedule a door to door pick-up appointment, saving time and effort. Track parcels :Update routing information in real time and tracking logistics status at any time. Multilingual:English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Vietnamese, Thai

Shipping parcels:Ship by yourself or schedule a door to door pick-up appointment, saving time and effort. Track parcels :Update routing information in real time and tracking logistics status at any time. Multilingual:English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Vietnamese, Thai more
  • Shipping parcels:Ship by yourself or schedule a door to door pick-up appointment
  • Track parcels :Update routing information in real time
  • Multilingual:English, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Vietnamese, Thai


  • Wide coverage: Ability to ship to over 220+ countries/regions
  • Convenience: Offers door-to-door pick-up appointments to save time and effort
  • Real-time tracking: Provides up-to-date routing information and tracking of logistics status
  • Multilingual support: Supports multiple languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Thai


  • Repetitive description: The app description appears repetitive, which might suggest a lack of detail or distinction about additional features
  • Potential usability concerns: No detailed user feedback provided, but repetitive information could indicate that the user interface might lack clarity or sufficient differentiation

Top Helpful Reviews

Bened Life

Nov 11, 2024  on Shopify

I’ve been experiencing ongoing issues with the SF Express app and wanted to share my feedback in hopes it can be addressed. The app does not appear to handle authentication properly, leading to frequent disruptions. Over time, the authentication between Shopify and IUOP breaks, which prevents orders from syncing into IUOP and tracking information from syncing back to Shopify. Additionally, the Sync Order button in IUOP, which is advertised on the app’s Shopify page, does not function as intended. This issue is highlighted by other users as well in their feedback. Steps I Took to Fix It temporary: 1. Deleted the authentication in IUOP. 2. Reassigned all open orders previously assigned to the SF Express location to another location in Shopify. 3. Set SF Express inventory to zero and removed the location entirely. 4. Uninstalled and then reinstalled the SF Express app. 5. Reauthenticated the app with IUOP. 6. Reassigned the SF Express location to all products. 7. Updated inventory levels for products. 8. Placed a test order and manually assigned it to the SF Express location. 9. Fulfilled the order through IUOP, which successfully synced the tracking information back to Shopify. These steps resolved the issue temporarily. However, it’s clear this is not a sustainable solution. This app requires frequent manual reinstallation and reauthentication to maintain functionality. This is not feasible for daily operations, as it causes significant delays and additional workload. If this issue is not resolved, Store owners will need to manually import tracking numbers for all orders, or we’ll be forced to repeat these cumbersome steps daily. Please investigate and fix the underlying issue with authentication and ensure the Sync Order button functions correctly. DO NOT BLAME SHOPIFY FOR THIS.

Panda DIY Shop

Apr 20, 2024  on Shopify

1. 价格还不错,完全可以接受; 2.回传快递面单没成功过,希望技术员解决; 3.官网经常404,可能是使用VPN的原因,但是打开独立站需要VPN,所以很麻烦,希望顺丰能解决这个问题。 4.上门收件直接联系当地顺丰小哥即可,不用QQ或者电话下单,和寄国内件的方式一样; 5.面单显示信息希望改进一下,建议全英文,把收方名字加到Ship to 的里面,而不是显示在寄件方。同时最下面空白处建议显示寄件方公司名品牌名称,最好可以自定义。 暂时就这些建议。 邮箱联系:[email protected]

Panda DIY Shop

Apr 13, 2024  on Shopify

1. 价格还不错,完全可以接受; 2.回传快递面单没成功过,希望技术员解决; 3.官网经常404,可能是使用VPN的原因,但是打开独立站需要VPN,所以很麻烦,希望顺丰能解决这个问题。 4.上门收件直接联系当地顺丰小哥即可,不用QQ或者电话下单,和寄国内件的方式一样; 5.面单显示信息希望改进一下,建议全英文,把收方名字加到Ship to 的里面,而不是显示在寄件方。同时最下面空白处建议显示寄件方公司名品牌名称,最好可以自定义。 暂时就这些建议。

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