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Yahav Logistics DeliverIt

Develop by BOA Ideas


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7 Days Free Trial

Create shipments for Yahav Logistics shipments in Israel

Easy installation
Generate shipments
Sync orders
Print labels
Order updates
Notify customers
Update tracking
Reduce manual labor
Automatic data input

About Yahav Logistics DeliverIt

Built by BOA Ideas

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15 Atir Yeda, Kfar Saba, 4486400, IL

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One-click system: Print labels, update tracking information, and notify customers with one click

Integrate your Shopify website with Yahav Logistics shipments to sync all the orders from your store with your Yahav Logistics account. Work in a single system and generate your Yahav Logistics shipments directly from the order view. Receive a tracking number via the order screen that is linked to Yahav shipments system. Order updates: Mark the order as fulfilled, update the tracking information, and email it to the customer, along with a tracking link, with one click.

Integrate your Shopify website with Yahav Logistics shipments to sync all the orders from your store with your Yahav Logistics account. Work in a single system and generate your Yahav Logistics shipments directly from the order view. Receive a tracking number via the order screen that is linked to Yahav shipments system. Order updates: Mark the order as fulfilled, update the tracking information, and email it to the customer, along with a tracking link, with one click. more
  • No need for any technical skills. Easily installed and ready to use
  • Save time by reducing manual labor
  • With one click a new shipment is created with all the needed information
  • Automatic data input: No need to manually type the order information


  • Integration with Shopify: Syncs all orders from Shopify with Yahav Logistics, simplifying order management
  • Generate shipments directly from the order view: Streamlines the shipment creation process
  • Automatic tracking number generation: Provides a tracking number linked to the Yahav shipments system
  • Order updates: Automatically marks orders as fulfilled, updates tracking information, and emails it to customers with a tracking link
  • No technical skills required: Easy installation and user-friendly interface
  • Time-saving: Reduces manual labor by automating data input and shipment creation
  • One-click shipment creation: Simplifies the process with just one click


  • Limited to Yahav Logistics: Only integrates with Yahav Logistics, not suitable for other logistics providers
  • Dependent on the Shopify platform: Exclusively for Shopify users, not useful for other e-commerce platforms

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