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Wholesale Wizard

Develop by Metizsoft


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    All in One Solution For Wholesale Business Needs

    Volume-based pricing
    Wholesale discount groups
    Advanced user interface
    Manage customer groups
    Tier pricing discounts
    Quick installation setup
    6 Reviews

    About Wholesale Wizard

    Launched Jan 04, 2021


    Built by Metizsoft

    Email :

    [email protected]


    1309 Coffeen Avenue STE 1200, Sheridan, WY, 82801, US

    Website Privacy policy FAQ


    An all-in-one wholesale business solution for all merchants to multiply their customer groups.

    It is specifically designed for merchants who belong to the wholesale category. Merchants can create a wholesale discount group with the wholesale discount for their customers. These discounts include the discount in percentage, in fixed price, and while setting new prices of the products. It has an advanced user interface where you can manage all your retail and wholesale customers, inventory, and ordering with your Shopify store. It's an advanced, modern-age wholesale app!

    It is specifically designed for merchants who belong to the wholesale category. Merchants can create a wholesale discount group with the wholesale discount for their customers. These discounts include the discount in percentage, in fixed price, and while setting new prices of the products. It has an advanced user interface where you can manage all your retail and wholesale customers, inventory, and ordering with your Shopify store. It's an advanced, modern-age wholesale app! more
    • Set different pricing volumes and discounts for different customers.
    • Use tier pricing discounts to set Minimum quantity rules for the products.
    • Multiple themes and quick installation setup for better business connectivity.


    • All-in-one solution tailored for wholesale merchants
    • Ability to create various discount groups (percentage, fixed price, new prices)
    • Advanced user interface simplifies management of customers, inventory, and orders
    • Seamless integration with Shopify store
    • Flexibility in setting different pricing volumes and discounts for different customer groups
    • Tier pricing discounts enable minimum quantity rule settings for products
    • Supports multiple themes for better business connectivity
    • Quick installation setup


    • May not be suitable for non-wholesale merchants
    • Possible learning curve due to advanced features
    • No mention of customer support availability or quality
    • Could potentially lead to configuration complexity with multiple discount and pricing tiers

    Rating And Reviews

    XOQO Xocolates Artesans

    Oct 25, 2021  on Shopify

    great application for integration with wholesale prices and retail prices. Technical support works quickly I can not be more happy and I recommend it with 5 stars ... and why there is no more Thank you gran aplicacion para la integracion con precios de venta al por mayor y precios al detalle. El soporte tecnico funciona rapidamente No puedo estar mas contento y la recomiendo con 5 estrellas.... y por que no hay mas


    Oct 14, 2021  on Shopify

    Had trouble with the app but the dev emailed me less than an hour later for assistance and was able to help me out and make the app work perfectly.

    Viva Pet Supply

    May 12, 2021  on Shopify

    The wholesale suite app has assisted us in various elements such as adding price tiers, customer/dealer additions, etc. good.

    Luxeova Atelier

    Feb 26, 2021  on Shopify

    Free app but really helpful. And the support really helps when I have issued days ago. Appreciate it and really recommend this app.

    Fitness and fight

    Feb 11, 2021  on Shopify

    First review about an app . Really good job ! easy to install easy to use very useful ..is it possible to show Tier price on page product when customer is loggin ? Thanks for your work, really good job ..and free

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