Discounts, custom prices, product lock, order form & net terms
Address329 Howe St., PMB 2066, Vancouver, BC, V6C 3N2, CA
Website Support Portal Privacy policy Tutorial FAQ DocumentShow your wholesale pricing to tagged B2B customers with Wholesale Hub (formerly known as Wholesale Club)! Offer percentage discounts to different customer groups, or specify custom prices for each group down to the variant level. Includes wholesale essentials such as net payment terms, a quick order form, order minimum discount conditions, volume discounts, product locks, extra fees, free shipping, and more! Works with Shopify Forms & Flow for account registration & approval.
Power up your B2B with wholesale pricing & volume discount...
Fully custom B2B wholesale registration forms
Add powerful B2B wholesale ordering to your existing store...
Wholesale B2B pricing, quantity, volume discounts &...
Simplify Wholesale B2B pricing, bulk order form by automation...
Customer tag discount for B2B wholesale, VIP user and more!...
Discounts for different customer groups. Quick Order Support...
Discounts, custom prices, product lock, order form &...