Shopforcause logo


Develop by Sohonestapp
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Get Free Marketing from Influencers by Offering Discounts.

    Offer discounts
    Free influencer marketing
    Promote brand
    1 Reviews

    About Shopforcause

    Launched Jan 05, 2024


    Built by Sohonestapp


    App to get free Influencers, shopforcause, friends social and a lot more

    App to get free Influencers, shopforcause, friends social and a lot more

    App to get free Influencers, shopforcause, friends social and a lot more more
    • App to get free Influencers, shopforcause, friends social and a lot more
    • Easy quick way to grow your brand.
    • Highlight points about your brands that would differentiate yourself from others


    • Free marketing through influencers, which can be cost-effective
    • Opportunity to grow your brand quickly
    • Easy and quick setup process
    • Differentiates your brand by highlighting unique selling points


    • The app description is repetitive and lacks detailed information
    • Limited details provided about functionalities and features
    • Potential risk of relying too heavily on influencers with varying degrees of impact
    • May not suit brands that require highly targeted marketing strategies

    Rating And Reviews

    My Store

    Jan 31, 2024  on Shopify

    Great app. Helps in reducing returns

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    $4.99 / Month
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