DIY Validate Addresses (USA) logo

DIY Validate Addresses (USA)


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 30 Days Free Trial

    Protect profits by ensuring deliverable ship-to addresses.

    Custom notifications
    Custom order tags
    Identify safe orders
    Notify invalid addresses
    Instant customer updates
    Zero cart impact
    Minimize handling cost
    Compatible with all plans

    About DIY Validate Addresses (USA)

    Launched Jul 13, 2023


    Built by Eniture Technology

    Email :

    [email protected]


    320 W. Lanier Ave, Ste 200, Fayetteville, GA, 30214, US

    Website Support Portal Privacy policy FAQ


    Protect profits by avoiding failed deliveries and returned shipments due to invalid addresses.

    Shipping to invalid addresses is expensive and avoidable. The cost of failed deliveries, returned shipments, and carrier fees can quickly change a profitable sale into a loss. Without interfering with the Shopify checkout process, the app immediately identifies orders that are safe to ship or notifies customers to confirm or correct the address. Customer updates are instantly reflected in Shopify so you know when it's safe to ship the order.

    Shipping to invalid addresses is expensive and avoidable. The cost of failed deliveries, returned shipments, and carrier fees can quickly change a profitable sale into a loss. Without interfering with the Shopify checkout process, the app immediately identifies orders that are safe to ship or notifies customers to confirm or correct the address. Customer updates are instantly reflected in Shopify so you know when it's safe to ship the order. more
    • Define your own order tags for the outcomes of the address validation process.
    • Customize message content and branding used for invalid address notifications.
    • Zero impact on Cart Abandonment because the checkout process is not disturbed.
    • Minimize the work and cost of handling orders with invalid ship-to addresses.
    • Works with all Shopify plans, all express and other checkouts, and draft orders.


    • Protects profits by ensuring deliverable ship-to addresses.
    • Helps avoid additional expenses from failed deliveries, returned shipments, and carrier fees.
    • Does not interfere with the Shopify checkout process, maintaining a smooth customer experience.
    • Immediately identifies safe-to-ship orders or notifies customers to correct addresses.
    • Real-time customer updates are instantly reflected in Shopify for timely shipping decisions.
    • Allows users to define custom order tags for address validation outcomes.
    • Provides customization options for message content and branding for invalid address notifications.
    • Has zero impact on cart abandonment.
    • Minimizes the workload and cost associated with handling invalid ship-to addresses.
    • Compatible with all Shopify plans, all express and other checkouts, and draft orders.


    • May require integration setup time and effort.
    • Reliant on customer response to address correction notifications which may cause delays.
    • Potential for customer confusion or dissatisfaction if address validation process is not clear.

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