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Customer reviews: Vajro ‑ Mobile App Builder

Develop by Vajro Inc

Reviews (1,837)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Overall, merchants view "Vajro ‑ Mobile App Builder" as an effective tool for transforming their Shopify stores into functional mobile apps. The platform is praised for its user-friendliness and seamless integration, combined with outstanding customer support that guides users through every step of the development process. While generally positive, some merchants have expressed concerns regarding pricing transparency and delays in promised updates or features.

Key Strengths

  • Excellent customer service and support, with a responsive and knowledgeable team.
  • User-friendly platform that is easy to set up and navigate.
  • Seamless integration with Shopify, allowing real-time syncing of data.
  • Customizable features that align with brand identity.
  • Fast and efficient setup process, with apps often ready within days.
  • Robust features such as push notifications and in-app purchases.

Common Concerns

  • Lack of transparency in pricing, with unexpected jumps in cost.
  • Delays in implementing promised features and updates.
  • Issues with app performance, such as slow loading times.

Final Thoughts

"Vajro ‑ Mobile App Builder" is well-regarded by merchants for its ability to enhance mobile commerce through sophisticated app development, customer service, and ease of use. However, potential users should be vigilant about pricing structures and ensure clear communication regarding expected features and updates. Despite some concerns, the overall merchant experience with Vajro is positive, with many recommending it as a valuable tool for expanding mobile presence.

Taylor Elliott Designs Wholesale

Mar 18, 2025  on Shopify

New to Vajro but the setup and design assistance has been very smooth. However, after the initial design phase, communication and implementation to edits that weren't done in the design phase are taking a very long time. Communication is become so slow and it's frustrating.

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