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Showing 60 to 66 of 46 Apps
  • $4.99-$9.99 / Month
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在庫の数が設定した値を下回ったらメールでお知らせし、在庫切れによる機会損失を防ぎます。 Show more

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Spedisci ai Locker e Punti di Ritiro InPost facilmente Show more

InPost Lockers & Pickup Points is a cutting-edge app designed to provide an innovative and sustainable shipping solution across Europe. By integrating seamlessly with platforms like Shopify Plus, it allows businesses to offer a wide network of Lockers and Pickup Points to their customers. Users can easily select their desired pickup location using a map or list view directly during the checkout process, both before and after making a purchase. The app features a dedicated dashboard for creating shipments and printing InPost labels, streamlining the logistics process. With its focus on sustainability, it offers a greener alternative for parcel deliveries. Customers benefit from extremely competitive rates for both domestic and international shipping, making it an economical choice for businesses looking to expand their reach.
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Label printing
Integrated dashboard
Map checkout display

診断コンテンツを誰でも簡単にテーマ上に作成・組み込みができるアプリです。 Show more

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Product recommendations
Create diagnostic content
Embed on e-commerce sites
Save results as metafields

「クラウドロジ」は、 アナログな物流業界をテクノロジーで最適化するクラウド型プラットフォームサービスです。

  • $11-$119 / Month
  • 7 Days Free Trial

「この商品を見た人はこんな商品も見ています」の実装が簡単に可能!閲覧履歴をもとに自動で計算された高性能なレコメンドを実現 Show more

"レコメンド .amp"は、オンラインストアを運営するマーチャント向けの便利なツールです。このアプリは、店舗内の回遊率を向上させ、商品の販売機会を増加させることを目的としています。訪問者が商品詳細ページで離脱したり直帰することを軽減し、多くの商品の関連付けを手動で行う手間を軽減します。アプリは、閲覧データに基づく2種類のレコメンド機能を提供します。一つは全ユーザーの行動に基づいたレコメンドで、もう一つは個別ユーザーの行動に基づいたパーソナライズされたレコメンドです。さらに、レコメンドタイトルを自由にカスタマイズでき、任意のページにウィジェットを簡単に設置できます。これにより、ユーザーにとって最も関心の高い商品を表示し、顧客単価の向上をサポートします。
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Browser history-based recommendations
Customizable recommend titles
Code-free widget placement

チェックアウト画面を自由にカスタマイズ Show more

BiNDec|チェックアウトカスタマイズ is a versatile app designed to enhance the checkout experience in the diversifying landscape of online sales. As more customers directly proceed to the checkout page from social media shop pages and landing pages, bypassing traditional product pages, this app helps maintain engagement by displaying vital purchase information and recommended items. By customizing the checkout display according to the items in the cart and customer attributes, it effectively upsells and cross-sells, thereby increasing the average order value (AOV). The app also allows customers to modify product quantities or variations at checkout, eliminating the need to backtrack to product pages and reducing customer dropout. Users can add note areas and options fields, which are conditionally displayed to provide essential instructions and options to buyers. Furthermore, BiNDec enhances branding consistency by allowing design customization of the checkout page, ensuring a seamless transition from the product pages. It also features customizable messages on the thank-you page to reduce inquiries, tailored based on the purchaser or order amount.
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Checkout customization
Upsell recommendations
Customize design
Modify item quantities
Input field addition
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