在庫アラート logo


Develop by Shopify


/ Month
30 Days Free Trial

Detect inventory shortages and prevent out of stock

Low stock alerts
Custom thresholds
Flexible notifications
The app is no longer available

About 在庫アラート

Launched Mar 16, 2020


Built by Shopify

BON Loyalty Program & Rewards logo
(1,874 Reviews)
  • Sponsored

Loyalty rewards program with points, POS, referrals &...


This is an app that can notify you before the stock runs out.

This is an app that allows you to receive notifications of products that are low in stock before they run out of stock.The "Terms of Use" posted in "Frequently Asked Questions" under "Resources" applies to the use of this app. Please be sure to check the contents in advance. If you use the app, you are deemed to have agreed to the "Terms of Use."

This is an app that allows you to receive notifications of products that are low in stock before they run out of stock.The "Terms of Use" posted in "Frequently Asked Questions" under "Resources" applies to the use of this app. Please be sure to check the contents in advance. If you use the app, you are deemed to have agreed to the "Terms of Use." more
  • Your store will be notified when stock is low
  • You can set thresholds for each product
  • You can freely set notification destinations


  • Allows you to receive notifications of products that are low in stock before they run out
  • Store will be notified when stock is low, helping prevent inventory shortages
  • Ability to set thresholds for each product, providing customizable monitoring
  • Flexibility to set notification destinations, allowing for efficient communication


  • User must agree to the 'Terms of Use' which are located under 'Frequently Asked Questions' in 'Resources'; this might be cumbersome for some users
  • The terms and conditions are not very prominently displayed, which might cause inconvenience or confusion

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