U‑Torch logo


Let your buyers rate premium delivery with valuable discounts

Reverse logistics
Customizable quotes
Multiple shipment types
Real time rates
Premium carriers
International shipping guidance
Delivery efficiency

About U‑Torch

Launched Sep 19, 2024


Built by tripleDe Technology Solutions


U-Torch is a shipping platform that allows you to use premium carriers and receive great service.

U-Torch App for Shopify lets you synchronize the special prices and discounts set up with U-Torch and let your customers quote the shipments in the check out. We choose only premium carriers and give personalized customer service to serve you and your buyers with exceptional customer experience. If you sell products that require great service quality, international shipping guidance, excellent delivery efficiency and proficient reverse logistics (devolutions), U-Torch is for you.

U-Torch App for Shopify lets you synchronize the special prices and discounts set up with U-Torch and let your customers quote the shipments in the check out. We choose only premium carriers and give personalized customer service to serve you and your buyers with exceptional customer experience. If you sell products that require great service quality, international shipping guidance, excellent delivery efficiency and proficient reverse logistics (devolutions), U-Torch is for you. more
  • Real Time Rates: Let your buyers quote shipments with top carriers in real time.
  • Customizable Quotes: Select which carriers you want your buyers to choose from.
  • Product types: Select the type of shipment (express, time definite) for buyers.


  • Synchronizes special prices and discounts set up with U-Torch
  • Allows customers to quote shipments at checkout
  • Uses only premium carriers for shipping
  • Provides personalized customer service
  • Good for products that require exceptional service quality, international shipping guidance, delivery efficiency, and proficient reverse logistics
  • Quotes shipments in real time
  • Customizable quotes – merchants can choose which carriers to offer buyers
  • Allows selection of shipment types such as express and time definite for buyers


  • Dependency on premium carriers may lead to higher shipping costs
  • Requires integration with Shopify, limiting use to Shopify platform users
  • Lack of reviews makes it difficult to gauge overall user satisfaction
  • The user interface and ease of setup are unknown due to lack of detailed reviews

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