Twixo Wishlist logo

Twixo Wishlist

  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    Turn shoppers into buyers with customizable wishlist feature

    Comprehensive analytics
    Notification alerts
    Customizable wishlist ui
    Wishlist sharing
    Automated checkout reminders

    About Twixo Wishlist

    Launched May 15, 2024


    Built by DigitSense Limited


    Our wishlist app allows you to showcase your products and provides extensive customization of your wishlist UI, as well as valuable insights with comprehensive analytics that allows you to hyper target customers. The unique consumer wishlist and notification alert features keep your customers engaged, personalize their shopping experience while simplifying your marketing strategies.

    Our wishlist app allows you to showcase your products and provides extensive customization of your wishlist UI, as well as valuable insights with comprehensive analytics that allows you to hyper target customers. The unique consumer wishlist and notification alert features keep your customers engaged, personalize their shopping experience while simplifying your marketing strategies. more
    • Zero coding required for wishlist app installation
    • Back in stock, discount campaign and automated checkout reminder email alerts
    • Wishlist analytics dashboard for hyper targeting customers
    • Improve checkout rate and lower window shopping rate
    • Customers can share their favorite products with friends and family seamlessly


    • Customizable wishlist UI
    • Comprehensive analytics for customer targeting
    • Consumer wishlist and notification alert features
    • Zero coding required for installation
    • Back in stock, discount campaign and automated checkout reminder email alerts
    • Improve checkout rate and lower window shopping rate
    • Customers can share their favorite products with friends and family seamlessly


    • No mention of integration with other platforms or e-commerce systems
    • Potential learning curve for accessing and utilizing the analytics dashboard
    • Over-dependence on notifications could annoy some customers

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