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Customer reviews: Tiny ERP ‑ Brasil

Reviews (12)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants have mixed feedback on "Tiny ERP ‑ Brasil." While some find it a valuable tool for their business needs, especially with its integration capabilities, others encounter significant issues that hinder its functionality.

Key Strengths

  • Effective product and inventory management features.
  • Quick and efficient customer support praised by some users.
  • Seamless integration for certain users, especially within the Brazilian market.

Common Concerns

  • Frequent reports of integration issues, often resulting in loops or incomplete setups.
  • Lack of functionality in linking categories, requiring additional manual work.
  • Delayed response from customer support for some users.

Final Thoughts

"Tiny ERP ‑ Brasil" seems to offer robust features for merchants, but its integration challenges and inconsistencies in customer support significantly impact its reliability. The app has strong potential, particularly for Brazilian merchants, if these issues can be resolved.


Aug 05, 2022  on Shopify

Plataforma excelente, faz tudo que a nossa loja precisa! Suporte muito rápido e eficiente! Recomendo!

Media Marketing 2

Nov 07, 2016  on Shopify

Como usuario do Shopify e do Tiny, acho ambos excelentes plataformas e agora com a integração entre elas, ficou excelente para usuários brasileiros. Recomendo muito. abs Fabio Carelli www.mediamarketing.com.br

Clarissa Caffaro

Aug 16, 2016  on Shopify

Meu feedback até agora é totalmente positivo - foi muito fácil integrar a loja com a Tiny, e importar os pedidos também ficou muito fácil. Descrevi o processo no blog https://empreendershopify.com/2016/08/16/shopify-integrado-com-erp-ficou-mais-facil-emitir-a-nfe/ Parabéns a Tiny por integrar com a melhor plataforma e viabilizar mais ainda seu uso aqui no Brasil!

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