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Supra Social Media Publisher logo

Supra Social Media Publisher

Develop by Shopify


/ Month
15 Days Free Trial

Automatically publish your products to Social Media

Auto-post products
Schedule campaigns
Customize post text
The app is no longer available

About Supra Social Media Publisher

Launched Oct 10, 2022


Built by Shopify

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Automatically publish your products to Social Media like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Supra social publisher allows you to publish products automatically from your store to social media like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Set campaigns to publish at different times and dates to improve products visibility on social media! Fully customize the post text publications with the product data and images.

Supra social publisher allows you to publish products automatically from your store to social media like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Set campaigns to publish at different times and dates to improve products visibility on social media! Fully customize the post text publications with the product data and images. more
  • Publish products automatically to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
  • Create campaigns that run at different dates and times
  • Fully customize the post text publications with the product data


  • Automatically publishes products from your store to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Ability to set campaigns to publish at different times and dates
  • Fully customizable post text publications with product data and images
  • Improves product visibility on social media without manual effort


  • Limited to three social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter)
  • Potential technical issues or bugs causing failed posts
  • Customization might require some learning curve for beginners
  • No mention of analytics or performance tracking within the app

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