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shipcloud App

Develop by shipcloud GmbH
Free plan available

Shipping platform - send, track & return directly from shop

Batch processing
Returns management
Automated emails
Shipment tracking
Print labels
Express delivery
Standard shipping
Individualised tracking
Multi-location shipping
14 Reviews

About shipcloud App

Launched Oct 22, 2015


Built by shipcloud GmbH

Email :

[email protected]


St. Annenufer 5, Hamburg, 20457, DE

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Introduction Video


shipcloud provides a simple and uniform interface for all relevant eCommerce shipping carriers.

shipcloud is your shipping service provider and empower your shipping with: DHL, DHL Express, UPS, Deutsche Post, DPD, Hermes, Post AT, Post CH, GLS, GO!, ANGEL, Asendia, PARCEL.ONE, FedEx, and many more. From standard shipping, express delivery, tracking to returns, shipcloud supports you with your complete shipping process from Germany. You can also benefit from the attractive shipcloud business rates for DHL, UPS and DPD.

shipcloud is your shipping service provider and empower your shipping with: DHL, DHL Express, UPS, Deutsche Post, DPD, Hermes, Post AT, Post CH, GLS, GO!, ANGEL, Asendia, PARCEL.ONE, FedEx, and many more. From standard shipping, express delivery, tracking to returns, shipcloud supports you with your complete shipping process from Germany. You can also benefit from the attractive shipcloud business rates for DHL, UPS and DPD. more
  • Interface to DHL, UPS, DPD, Hermes, Post AT, GLS, GO!, PARCEL.ONE and many more.
  • Print labels: integrate your own contracts and/or use our shipping conditions.
  • Individualised tracking page and automated emails in your design.
  • Returns management: own returns portal or place return label in parcels.
  • Plus multi-location shipping, batch processing, shipping across customs borders.


  • Supports a wide range of carriers including DHL, UPS, FedEx, and many more
  • Offers attractive business rates for DHL, UPS, and DPD
  • Comprehensive shipping process support including standard, express, tracking, and returns from Germany
  • Ability to integrate own shipping contracts or use shipcloud's shipping conditions
  • Customizable tracking pages and automated emails tailored to user's design
  • Returns management via a dedicated returns portal or by including return labels in parcels
  • Supports multi-location shipping and batch processing
  • Facilitates shipping across customs borders


  • Primarily focuses on shipping processes within Germany which may limit use for international retailers
  • The extent of carrier integration and ease of use may vary depending on the specific carrier and user needs
  • Potential dependency on app for managing and tracking shipments could be a risk if technical issues arise
  • Customizable features might require a certain level of technical skill to set up and use effectively

Top Helpful Reviews

Die Präparatekiste

May 31, 2021  on Shopify

Mit dem extrem teuren Tarif, mit dem ich für jedes Minipäckchen 5,99 zzgl. MwSt. zahlen musste, lief es ganz rund, es hat gemacht, was es sollte. War zwar teuer, dafür schnell. Ich habe aber nun den Fehler gemacht, in die nächste Tarifklasse zu wechseln. Nur noch Fehlermeldungen, keine Versandlabels können mehr erzeugt werden. Beim Support sagte man mir, die App müsse erst neu installiert werden, damit sie wieder funktioniert. Nun lässt sie sich nur leider nicht mehr installieren. Fehlermeldungen, nichts funktioniert. Seit Tagen. Wir schreiben nun jedes Versandlabel mit der Hand, was unsere Kapazitäten sprengt und ein gigantisches Chaos ausgelöst hat. Edit: Der Service bei Shipcloud funktioniert sehr gut. Die Reaktionen sind schnell und es wird sich wirklich bemüht, das Problem zu beheben. Danke für den Einsatz! Edit: 31.05.21 Es ist wie verhext! Shipcloud-App meldet Fehler, man solle sich an den Support wenden. Beim letzten Mal half es, die App zu löschen und neu zu installieren. Jetzt lässt sie sich nicht mehr neu installieren. Die Pakete stapeln sich und wir können keine Versandlabels ausdrucken, Support nicht erreichbar. Warum lässt sich die App nicht wieder installieren? Was ist da los?

Nerdy Terdy Gang

Jul 22, 2020  on Shopify

Macht, was sie tun soll. Der Support ist bei Fragen auch immer schnell erreichbar & sehr hilfsbereit. Einziger aktueller Nachteil, den man beachten sollte, falls es für einen relevant sein sollte: Man kann Sachen nur von einer Location aus mit dem Connector shippen.

Pressbar GmbH

Jul 21, 2020  on Shopify

Super schnell integriert und funktioniert von Anfang an reibungslos. Wenn trotzdem mal eine Frage aufkommt, ist der Support super und regiert sofort.


Jun 11, 2020  on Shopify

After receiving an email from ship cloud and changing a few settings it seems that the app is working at the moment and we appreciate the help. I look forward using this app which will help the process of creating shipping labels

Fudamental Berlin

May 25, 2016  on Shopify

The app and support is just great. We had a lot of questions and all were answered thoroughly and with much patience. Also, they listen to feature requests and are constantly working on optimising the app. Shipcloud itself is also a good tool and the support is responsive. All in all, I cannot think of an easier way to setup an automated shipping label process for EUROPEAN companies.


Feb 08, 2016  on Shopify

The app is really nice, and working correctly. The app is clean and easy to use. The rates are awesome for young onlineshops. We are a german onlineshop and using it since 5 months very effective. Thanks for the fast support!

Earlybird Coffee

Dec 02, 2015  on Shopify

Thanks for the first really working labeling app on shopify! After you managed to find the right credentials with your shipping company, all goes well. I´m looking forward to the next releases!

Diamond Pride

Oct 21, 2015  on Shopify

best automated shipping solution for german (european?) shops in shopify's app store right now IMHO: > you get access to all major carriers without the need for signing an account with every single one of them > you benefit from shipcloud's cheaper shipping rates with ALL of these carriers; super handy for small/medium size businesses > DHL is on strike (again)? just use another carrier via shipcloud... > no more manual copy&pasting of address details to generate labels customer support is second to none. quick feedback - clear statements. enhancements are on their way as well... 5 stars from us

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