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Garnet Marketplace

Develop by Garnet


/ Month
14 Days Free Trial

Turn your store into a marketplace with real time integrations

Order synchronization
Order splitting
Multi-vendor marketplace
Manage product listings
Approve refunds
Vendor order fulfillment
11 Reviews

About Garnet Marketplace

Launched Mar 17, 2023


Built by Garnet

Email :

[email protected]


10 Meyappa Chettiar Road #14-29 Poiz Residences, Singapore, 358473, SG

Website Privacy policy


Turn your store into a professional multi-vendor marketplace. Earn commission on each orders.

Turn your Shopify store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Vendor can manage their operation on the Garnet online platform. Vendors can synchronize orders, fulfilments and product inventory from their own e-commerce platform into Garnet. As a platform operator, you manage the sellers, approve product listings, manage refunds and more. Garnet is fast, reliable, and easy to use. Vendors are delighted to work with Garnet.

Turn your Shopify store into a multi-vendor marketplace. Vendor can manage their operation on the Garnet online platform. Vendors can synchronize orders, fulfilments and product inventory from their own e-commerce platform into Garnet. As a platform operator, you manage the sellers, approve product listings, manage refunds and more. Garnet is fast, reliable, and easy to use. Vendors are delighted to work with Garnet. more
  • Transform your store into a mutli-vendors marketplace.
  • Grant access to vendor email to fulfill their orders.
  • Order splitting per vendors
  • Fast, reliable, easy to use platform
  • Reactive support

Introduction Video


  • Transforms Shopify store into a multi-vendor marketplace
  • Vendors can manage their operations through the Garnet online platform
  • Allows vendors to synchronize orders, fulfillments, and product inventory from their own e-commerce platform
  • Platform operator can manage sellers, approve product listings, and handle refunds
  • Described as fast, reliable, and easy to use
  • Highly intuitive and simple to use for both store operators and vendors
  • Frequently updates with new features
  • Excellent customer service
  • Reactive support system
  • Order splitting per vendors


Rating And Reviews


May 01, 2024  on Shopify

After testing multiple apps, Garnet is the best marketplace app we have used. With their expertise, they’ve created an intuitive and simple solution (for us and vendors). Garnet is constantly improving their offering, releasing new features and their customer service is some of the best we have received.


Apr 07, 2024  on Shopify

Garnet is built by someone who has previous experience building marketplaces from the ground up on Shopify. Of all the apps on Shopify App store, Garnet provides exactly what stores need to convert from a simple e-commerce/DTC store to a marketplace. Most other stores are either too clunky where users can get lost. Garnet provides good documentation for a DIY setup.


Feb 05, 2024  on Shopify

Awesome App making ideas come to life. Thank you very much for the well designed platform and friendly assistance. Exactly what I hoped to find.

KarmaChic Marketplace

Jan 19, 2024  on Shopify

Having explored various multi-vendor marketplace solutions, ranging from Dokan to Shopify Multi-vendor, I can confidently say that none surpasses the excellence of Garnet. Garnet simplifies the vendor account setup, product addition, and payment process, creating a user-friendly environment that incentivizes vendors to join your platform. What sets Garnet apart is not only its exceptional functionality but also the outstanding support provided by Francois, the mastermind behind the operation. His unwavering willingness to assist places Garnet at the pinnacle of customer support among all multi-vendor plugins.

The Coral Hut

Dec 12, 2023  on Shopify

I have used everything from Dokan to Shopify Multi-vendor marketplace, and I will tell you right now you won’t come across an app near as good as Garnet. Garnet makes the vendor account setup, product addition, and payment process extremely simple incentivizing vendors to join your platform. In addition, the man behind the operation, Francois, is the best manager you could ask for. His constant willingness to help gives Garnet the best customer support out of all multi vendor plug ins. Use Garnet for your marketplace and I promise you won’t regret it!

My Store

Nov 09, 2023  on Shopify

Garnet is by far the best multivendor marketplace I have come across. After dealing with the unnecessary complexities of Dokan, Webkul, and more, I came across Garnet which provides multivendor features in the most simplistic way possible. A key differentiator is the incredible customer support provided by Francoise. While the app was near perfect for my use case, I needed a few additional features. Francoise took care of this in a matter of days and found the perfect solution for me. I look forward to the future of my marketplace built on Garnet!

Resident Artisan

Sep 15, 2023  on Shopify

Garnet was a breath of fresh air after struggling to get Webkul and other marketplace technologies set up. Garnet is incredibly easy to use for both me as the store owner and my vendors. It's getting new features nearly every week and constantly improving. So glad I found this app!

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