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Customer reviews: SamedayApp

Develop by Sameday

Reviews (17)

Overall rating

What Merchants Think

Merchants have expressed significant frustration with the SamedayApp, primarily due to its insufficient integration with platforms like Shopify. The overall sentiment highlights a lack of updates and necessary features that hinder usability and scalability, especially for merchants handling more than a few orders daily.

Key Strengths

Common Concerns

  • Poor Shopify integration with a need for a complete code rewrite.
  • Incompatibility with Shopify's Checkout Extensibility and recent updates.
  • Lack of support for quick fulfillment processes from within orders.
  • Absence of language and market customization options.
  • Frequent technical errors and unresolved support requests.
  • Difficulties with the Easybox feature and associated errors.
  • Necessity for enabling Carrier Calculated Shipping for full functionality.

Final Thoughts

Overall, the SamedayApp currently faces significant challenges in meeting merchant expectations, particularly concerning platform compatibility and ease of use. While the app may offer potential benefits as a shipping service, crucial improvements, particularly in its software integration and customer support, are needed to provide a more effective and merchant-friendly solution.


Feb 09, 2025  on Shopify

Buna ziua O sa dati update ca sa functioneze functia Easybox ? Deja nu se mai poate folosi codul pe nici un site de ceva vreme

Herbal Therapy

Sep 22, 2024  on Shopify

Efectiv e o gluma de aplicatie. Nu pot integra livrearea la locker absolut deloc. Incerc sa dau de cineva pe mailul lor de support dar evident ca nu imi raspunde nimeni. Cred ca ma mut pe Fan, alta optiune nu vad sincer.

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