Riaxe Product Options logo

Riaxe Product Options

Develop by ImprintNext


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 14 Days Free Trial

    Customized product options

    Date picker
    Text area
    Radio button
    Custom options
    Unlimited variations
    Option pricing
    Manage availability
    Artwork upload

    About Riaxe Product Options

    Launched Dec 06, 2023


    Built by ImprintNext


    Riaxe Product Options allows adding unlimited and multiple types of product options to your products

    In addition to the Shopify variations, this app enables the option to add as many product options as you need in the form of a radio button, text area, date picker, and more. Getting detailed information about the product options or add-ons would help you fulfill the exact product your customer needs and that would reduce the chances of order returns. Additional option pricing and availability management will fit nicely with your business requirements.

    In addition to the Shopify variations, this app enables the option to add as many product options as you need in the form of a radio button, text area, date picker, and more. Getting detailed information about the product options or add-ons would help you fulfill the exact product your customer needs and that would reduce the chances of order returns. Additional option pricing and availability management will fit nicely with your business requirements. more
    • Set unlimited variations and addons for your products
    • Get artworks and images from your customer for product customization
    • Additional product pricing for the options or Addons
    • Spend less time on product setup
    • Manage product option or addons availability

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