QuickTop logo


Develop by Jay
  • Built for Shopify
  • Free App

    QuickTop simplifies your operations.

    Customizable button
    Quick return-to-top
    Enhances navigation
    Scroll-based visibility

    About QuickTop

    Launched Jun 05, 2024


    Built by Jay


    QuickTop is a simple tool that adds a quick return-to-top button to your store. It enhances user experience by allowing customers to easily navigate back to the top of the page. QuickTop significantly improves the navigation experience for customers, especially on long product pages. Merchants with extensive product listings, detailed descriptions, or content-heavy pages will benefit from this feature. By providing a seamless way for customers to return to the top, QuickTop helps reduc

    QuickTop is a simple tool that adds a quick return-to-top button to your store. It enhances user experience by allowing customers to easily navigate back to the top of the page. QuickTop significantly improves the navigation experience for customers, especially on long product pages. Merchants with extensive product listings, detailed descriptions, or content-heavy pages will benefit from this feature. By providing a seamless way for customers to return to the top, QuickTop helps reduc more
    • Adds a prominent button on the page, allowing users to quickly return to the top
    • Offers various style options, allowing merchants to customize the button
    • The button only appears when users scroll down


    • Enhances user experience by allowing customers to easily navigate back to the top of the page
    • Significantly improves navigation for customers, especially on long product pages
    • Benefits merchants with extensive product listings, detailed descriptions, or content-heavy pages
    • Reduces customer frustration by providing a seamless way to return to the top
    • Adds a prominent button on the page when users scroll down, improving accessibility
    • Offers various style options, allowing merchants to customize the button to fit their store's aesthetic


    • Limited functionality; the app only provides a return-to-top button
    • Customization options might not be sufficient for all merchant needs
    • The button's prominence could potentially interfere with the user interface and design of the store

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