Local delivery route planner & driver app with GPS & SMS Show more
Deliver in full & on time, every time. Show more
Offer customers signature on delivery option Show more
Manage local deliveries with optimized routes. Show more
Local Delivery, Pickup, Date/Time, Online Store 2.0 Compatible Show more
Same-day delivery all over New York City Show more
Local delivery routes planning & Driver App for local delivery Show more
Plan & offer local delivery with in-house or on-demand drivers
Connect with local carriers, print labels, and track orders Show more
Local delivery. Same day. Show more
Delivery with live tracking and efficient order handling Show more
Same Day Delivery Service Show more
Local delivery with your own fleet or 3rd party couriers Show more
Automate your Delivery Management Services Show more
Offer local delivery with your own fleet or 3rd party services Show more
Provide support and manage custom order proof with ease Show more
Efficient deliveries with customizable proof and automated customer notifications.
Boost sales with sales popup, social proof, newsletter pop up Show more
qikify Sales Pop up & Proof is an all-in-one sales enhancement tool designed to boost your online business's performance by leveraging social proof and effective promotional strategies. The app helps trigger customers' fear of missing out (FOMO) by showcasing recent sales, thus building trust and attracting new customers through features like visitor counters, sales popups, and sold counts. It enhances customer engagement and facilitates lead collection with versatile popups for newsletters, discounts, and exit prompts. To further optimize your store's conversion rate, qikify offers promotional bars such as cart countdowns and announcement bars. By displaying elements like recent purchases and visitor numbers, the app provides visible social proof to potential customers. Additionally, qikify's analytics feature allows for precise management and performance tracking of your campaigns, ensuring you can fine-tune strategies for maximum impact.
Add social proof: sales pop ups & cart pop ups notifications. Show more
Sales Pop Up, Social Proof, FOMO, Google Reviews, Low stock Show more