Singleton | Quantity Price logo

Singleton | Quantity Price


/ Month
  • Built for Shopify
  • 7 Days Free Trial

    Change price based on selected quantity in product detail page

    Theme compatibility
    Auto price recalculation
    Supports product variants
    Quantity-based pricing
    Enable/disable price change
    Adjust compare at price

    About Singleton | Quantity Price

    Launched Mar 01, 2021


    Built by Singleton software

    Email :

    [email protected]


    Javornícka 12, Banská Bystrica, 97411, SK

    Website Privacy policy


    In product detail page, show product price multiplied by selected quantity for your customers

    You can show your customers product price based on selected quantity. Price for product will be automatically recalculated (multiplied) by the selected quantity. For example, if product price is $10 and customer set "2" in quantity field, customer will see product price $20 in product detail page. App is compatible with different product variants prices and price is automatically recalculated and multiply by selected quantity, even if customer choose another product variant.

    You can show your customers product price based on selected quantity. Price for product will be automatically recalculated (multiplied) by the selected quantity. For example, if product price is $10 and customer set "2" in quantity field, customer will see product price $20 in product detail page. App is compatible with different product variants prices and price is automatically recalculated and multiply by selected quantity, even if customer choose another product variant. more
    • Enable/disable to change product price based on quantity (multiply by quantity)
    • You can even enable/disable change product "compare at" price based on quantity
    • You can fit this app to any of your theme in app configuration

    Introduction Video


    • Automatically recalculates price based on selected quantity, improving transparency for customers
    • Compatibility with different product variant prices ensures flexibility
    • Easily enabled/disabled feature for adjusting 'compare at' prices based on quantity adds customization options
    • Seamlessly integrates with any theme via app configuration, offering broad usability


    • Repetitive app description could indicate lack of additional unique features
    • Potential performance issues on stores with a large number of variants and quantities
    • Requires careful theme configuration to ensure seamless integration, which might be cumbersome for non-technical users

    Rating And Reviews

    Wild Things Flowers

    Oct 11, 2023  on Shopify

    Works very well - I had to enter in the relevant css class names in the Advanced Settings, but after doing that it works perfectly!

    Raccselini Customs

    Jun 10, 2023  on Shopify

    Simply save your time and energy and hire a developer to code this feature into your store. This app does not work even after managing to speak with support, and you'd be lucky to get a response.


    Apr 12, 2021  on Shopify

    Functionality is not working. Support is too long (1-3 days) (waste of time to get support) When the trial ended, the developer tried to implement flex price manually, but then replied that he can't. But this is not such a problem, because implementation of the quantity field and price is almost the same as in the standard themes. Do not recommend.

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